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Ask Matty – 4/1/11

It’s April 1st but we ain’t foolin’ – here is your latest dose of Ask the Matty Man.

1. Will you be offering pre-orders for Comic Con exclusives for attendees again this year like you did in 2010?

Yes, and hopefully we have some ideas that will improve on the process even more!

2. With Bow, you made great strides in improving the hip piece for “pants” or “bodysuits” will you be designing female figures like Glimmer, Angella or a possible new Adora in the same style to achieve the new aesthetic. If you have to ask the Horsemen about this one, that is cool 🙂

Our goal is to constantly introduce new and updated parts to make the figures the best they can be. We don’t have specific plans for the figures you mentioned but when and if we get to them we will look into this.

3. Could you please show us a picture of the new Battle Ground Teela figure standing, in a vanilla pose, next to the original figure (again in a vanilla pose) so we can see the height difference?

We actually posted one like this up on Facebook! Check it out at!

4. For the next Ghostbusters Ray figure, can we please have a new head sculpt? It seems that the original sculpt was “pinched” in production and thus lost a lot of the likeness. It would be great to get a Ray that is up to snuff with the rest of the GBs in terms of likeness.

While we would love to get to new heads for all the main guys, it is not often as easy as it seems. Approvals and logistics are often issues which don’t allow us to update a current sculpt. When it is possible, this is something we’d like to get to in time.

5. Would the character Snout Spout be a candidate for a second head? In a lot of media (including the style guide) it is noted that he is Etherian and a human. An “unmasked” Snout Spout head could add a whole new dimension to the character!

This would be a cool idea but nothing we can comment on as we have not announced a Snout Spout figure yet! But we’ll pass this suggestion along to the team!

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