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WWRp Dropcloth Prototype 1/12 scale

1/12 scale Bramble, Large Martin, Dropcloth, Bramble, Bertie, Nom De Plume and Armstrong prototypes

If you follow the Ashley Wood created World War Robot line you know that the ‘Dropcloth’ model of robot has recently seen wide release.  I picked one up, and it’s a great toy, but I’m almost more excited by this image of the prototype 1/12 scale WWRp version of the Dropcloth (he’s the red one) with the rest of the 1/12 scale prototypes from this line.

I love the look of the more human scale and proportion of this guy next to the other bots and the one human character released so far.  I can’t wait to build an army of these suckers.  It’s hard to tell for sure from the pic, but it looks like the fingers will remain individually articulated.  I wasn’t sure they would be able to pull that off on a hand so small, but it looks like they did it.  According to Wood, the WWRp droplcoths will be sold in sets with other bots and WWR characters.  For example, a human soldier ‘bot sniper’ would be sold with his companion dropcloths.  No ETA on these guys yet, but watch 3A toys forum news for more info.