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First Look – Masters of the Universe Classics Mo-Larr vs Skeletor

If you are a Masters of the Universe Classics fan and you have been breathing in the past 4 months or so, you know that Orko is not the only exclusive figure that Matty is bringing to the San Diego Comic Con this year. Yep, in one of the funniest, and quite possibly, the most controversial moves yet – Robot Chicken sketch star, the Eternian Dentist Mo-Larr makes his way to your Masters shelf, and he is bringing his most famous victim, er, PATIENT with him.

I know a lot of VERY serious people are still grumbling about the inclusion of this figure in the MOTUC line, and that is fine – people are certainly entitled to their opinion. I was not really all that taken by the idea when I heard about it, but you know, it is pretty funny. I mean, the concept is funny but telling at the same time. There are a lot of hard-fighting techo barbarians on Eternia, but the entire planet cannot be made up entirely of Masters, right? I mean, what about the glue the holds this world together? The guys that perform the necessary work, like you know, healthcare? Well, they are apparently alive and well and performing their required services.

Mo-Larr Bio by Seth Green
Skeletor Bio by Seth Green

Mo-Larr is the enemy of Eternian cavities everywhere, whether you live in the Light or Dark hemisphere, he will be there. You can even throw your evil henchmen at him, but nothing will stop him from providing muscle-smocked oral surgery.

Impressive Packaging
Card Back

Really, the inclusion of the missing tooth Skeletor is enough to make this set totally worth it to me. The Four Horsemen nailed the look and the painful expression on his bony mug, the missing tooth is just the icing on the cake. I think it is hilarious and I am sure he will be used for many a sight gag in upcoming First Looks. Consider yourself warned.

Yes, I think that Skeletor Missing a Tooth is Hilarious. The Expression Kills Me.
Out-Patient Skeletor
That's a lotta Skeletors! Dragon Blaster next, please!
Skeletor's Accessories

Mo-Larr (real name: Dr. Moe Larrstein) comes with his essential accessories, his implements of pain, including the &*#@! drill, dental mirror, pick and floss box, with “real” string floss. The tools are vac-metal silver, a nice touch for me. Skeletor was not left out either, he has his Havoc Staff and Power Swords (both full and half).

Dr. Moe Larrstein, Eternian D.D.S. Yes, he is single, ladies.

Yeah, he has the scrapey hook thingee too. Ugh. Bad memories.
Implements of Torture. Or rather, good dental hygeine... yeah, that's it.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the packaging too – it is really impressive and fun. Mattel always pulls out the stops on Con packaging and this one is no exception. It is big and includes the dentist chair for Skeletor as well as his Eternian periodical. Oh, and if you haven’t heard yet, the card back also shows off you first glimpse at the upcoming Grizzlor figure (with Photoshopped drill in the eye and incorrect black wrist bands, they will be yellow on the final figure). Oh, and the Mo-Larr and Skeletor bios on the back were written by Robot Chicken creator Seth Green, an OBVIOUS MOTU fan.

Another Successful Extraction!
Doctor and Patient

I know there are folks out there with a philosophical objection to this set, but I think it is a fun little anomaly in the line. It is not like stuff like this is going to be a regular thing, and Comic Con was the right venue for it’s release, so relax, Whiplash will be here before you know it!

Card Back Grizzlor Reveal

Finally, I feel totally comfortable in saying this, but even though He-Man is the most powerful dude running around Eternia, Mo-Larr is currently the most handsome. He looks very suave and he is a doctor. He is quite the catch for an Eternian (or even Etherian) lady. Sorry, Seahawk, you might be a rebellious pirate, but when Adora starts really thinking about settling down, Mo-Larr might give you a run for your money. Handsome, smart, makes good money and he even has light blue furry shorts to match his gloves! Too bad his smock is not removable.

Mo-Larr is suave

*Thanks to Matty, the Eternian Architect for sending along this Eternian Dentist for review, it is very much appreciated. Remember: if you are not making to SDCC this year, you will still be able to buy this set on on August 2nd.

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