Matty and Toy Guru are back to answer your first round of questions from the second half of 2010!
1. I’m glad to hear that the original (nude) version of modern Cheetah will be released at some point. Would you consider commissioning a new head sculpt with a more aggressive facial expression (a snarl or scream, perhaps) for this release? I like the one I have from wave 13, but feel like a snarl would be more in character.
We could always do another version of Cheetah down the line, but the all-fur version is already produced and we won’t be making any changes this late in the game. How she will be distributed is yet to be revealed!
2. Will the 2011 Club Eternia Subscription Map be another Map of Eternia or a different planet?
There will be a new map, but we won’t be revealing details until our fan panel at SDCC at 1:00 p.m. on Friday.
3. Can you give us a hint of what you will be giving away each day at SDCC this year? From your Matty-Edited message it sounds like you will be celebrating DC’s 75th, what kind of swag are we talking about? A figure?
We will have quite a few giveaways and raffles in celebration of DC’s 75th at SDCC this year, but it is too early for us to reveal details quite now! Stay tuned.
4. Can you tell us why the SDCC Plastic Man’s stretchy arms are all one solid color? Why couldn’t his hands be flesh colored?
Good question! When you do a stretch accessory, it is not possible to do it in two colors. We looked into painting the hands flesh color, but the paint would chip off as it stretched. In this case the colors are limited by the action feature of the toy, not a design choice.
5. You said before that you will be showing new 6 inch Ghostbusters figures at SDCC, will you also be showing new Real Ghostbusters items at the show?
We will be showing new Retro Action GB from the animated series at SDCC!
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