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New Custom Tuesday – 4/20/2010

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread.

For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is MadTinker76 ‘s DC Universe Classics Style Serpentor:

Serpentor - MadTinker76

If it wasn’t for the 40+ years of comics featuring this DC villain, you could almost believe that this figure was made to be turned into Serpentor.  It’s that great of a base for the character.

Serpentor - MadTinker76

MadTinker76 also picked some great additional fodder parts and sculpted all the neat snakey parts on this guy.  Great stuff.  Click the above pics for a link to his thread and give him some praise for this bad boy.

Here’s the rest of this past week’s customs – click the pics for links to the customizer’s gallery and to comment on their work!

Azrael - UHFvsTheWorld

Hush - Arez
Deadpool - Whiskeytango
Thing - SlapHappyNorth
Thor - Lanshark
Martian Manhunter - Mooslug
Kara Thrace - Ms Big
Ant-Man - Discogod
Cyborg Superman - thebeastoftorment
Luke Cage - BISHART
Skeletor - Black Aracnis
Deadpool Corps - Raydaimon
War Machine - Mister Garbage
Solomon Kane - Spawnsauce
Magneto - Werewolf 33
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