4 weeks, 1 week, years, decade, millennium…something’s getting reviewed here.
In the 1900’s: We had some presidents do some things. Charleston. Charleston. 23 skidoo. Some bigass war. Everyone loved Lucy. Free love and LSD. Ozzy bit the head off a bat. Women had big crunchy hair. And legwarmers. Michael Jackson moonwalked. Rock stars liked flannel. The end.
Marvel forum: SNORE!
DC Forum: Fwoosh had March Madness. Starting with a lot of figures, people have chosen and in many cases chosen wrongly (harhar) their favorites. Now it’s down to Green Arrow and Kilowog. Green Arrow’s bow doesn’t work. Kilowog’s ring doesn’t work. This ejector seat doesn’t work. And I’m in a helicopter! Ollie Ollie in come free baby. Whatever that means.
DC 15 has been found on Wal-mart’s website. It doesn’t matter what comes, fresh goes better in life, and Mentos is fresh and full of life. Nothing gets to you, staying fresh staying cool, with Mentos, fresh and full of life. Fresh goes better, Mentos freshness, fresh goes better with Mentos, fresh and full of life!
Mentos, the freshmaker! Wait.
Yeah. Mento. And some others have have been quasi-confirmed. As usual, nobody knows anything concrete until Matty confirms it.
WAVE 13 IS OUT SOMEWHERE. I have no song to go with this news. So hum something randomly. Maybe that Believe it or not song from Greatest American Superhero.
(I never thought I could feel so free.)
Now it’s in your head and it’s not coming out. I win!
Matty answered some questions with an 8-ball. Which is much better than answering them with a speedball like they usually seem to.
SC Batman stands for “Striped Costume” Batman. Which means Zebra Batman. That sound you just heard was Wadsworth passing out.
The above is conjecture. Leading the witness. You’re out of order!
MOTUC forum:
Oh Moss Man you pine-scented bastard. Along with many, I missed out on you. One day. One day. I will love you and hug you and stroke you and hang you from the rearview mirror of my taxi.
Coming up: Evil-lyn. Professional Bitch. Skeletor fluffer. Plus a weapons pack. With weapons.
Debate over Grizzlor fur. Debate ends now! What else am I going to use this tiny blowdryer on if Grizzlor isn’t furred. Furry. Furrious.
Shots of Keldor carded were shown. With his dual sword wakkachow lookin’ non-skullhead badassitude. God I love this line.
Other Hasmatt stuff forum:
Apparently they want 4.5 kajillion dollars for a Dr. Venom figure. You bastards. You. Bas. Ta. Rd.
In the Bar With No Name:
Proving there are a lot of wiener experts on fwoosh, people are very particular about what condiment goes on their Hot Dog. Food is on people’s mind in March, with threads about milk, vegetables, Onion Rings vs. French fries and peeing while home alone. Yes, Old thread. It’s been a while. NimNams needs chili recipes.
Pabs has an iTouch. I need an iFondle.
In the Multiplex:
The Iron Man 2 trailer impregnated a nun living sequestered in a tiny peruvian village who had not laid eyes upon a man in 34 years. It was that awesome.
Yogi Bear’s getting a live action movie. What a Boo-Boo.
Chris Evans is Captain America. Not Playing Bucky: Chris Evans.
There’s a new movie coming out called Human Centipede. Which I guess is better than the original title ATM: the movie
And that’s 5-10 minutes of your life.
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