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New Custom Tuesday – 3/23/2010

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread.

For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is Arez’s Ultimate Hawkeye!

Ultimate Hawkeye - Arez

I’m not really familiar with the Ultimate universe, so I can’t really comment on this custom in terms of accuracy, but I can appreciate it on a couple different levels.  First of all, the Bullseye base body is an oft chosen base for it’s versatility and style, so it’s cool to see it here changed up a bit.  The brand new arms give the figure a nicely different proportion and weight.  The knee caps add a bit of costume detail, but also make the leg flow a little nicer than I think the Bullseye leg usually does.

Ultimate Hawkeye close up

I also really like the extra detail of the costume piping and ribbing that is so prevalent in modern superhero costume design.  Arez did a great job in making the ribbing flow with the sculpt of the base figure.  For more of Arez’s customs, click one of the above pics for a link to his thread in our custom galleries.

Here’s the rest of this week’s customs. Check them out and give the guys (and gal) props by clicking the pics and commenting on their custom gallery threads!

Wraith - tommyboy1972
Lex Luthor - ottodestruct
Gizmo - Blackarachnia
MsBigPileofDust - Tara and Willow
He-Man - Katar Hol

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