Evil never dies… and neither does Marvel Legends! Four new 2 Packs are making their debut at CustomCon – MARVEL LEGENDS OF EVIL! Featuring new and never-before-offered characters, MARVEL LEGENDS OF EVIL explodes onto the toy collecting scene this December. Each 2 Pack includes a Build A Figure piece so collectors can add the evil Atlantean U-Man to their collection! Availible only ONLINE from The Man in the Anthill Customs!
The Man in the Anthill Customs is proud to present
Marvel Legends of Evil 2 Packs!
Blasting out of the 1940’s, the BATTLE AXIS stands poised to smash the Allied Super Powers!
- Master Man and Warrior Woman!
- Baron Blood and Strahlen-Soldat!
- Baron Von Strucker and Auslese-Soldat!
- Red Skull and Brand-Soldat!
The First-Ever 2 Pack Build-A-Figure:
This new wave of 2 Packs continues the standard of excellence collectors have come to expect from Marvel Legends.
With 7 characters never before offered in toy form, each Marvel Legends of Evil 2 packs features multiple points of articulation and accessories, as well as a piece of the exclusive U-Man!
The Never-Ending Battle begins again in winter 2009, just in time for the holidays!
Available online from The Man in the Anthill Customs!
THE MAN IN THE ANTHILL CUSTOMS – [email protected]
How the MARVEL LEGENDS OF EVIL 2 packs were created.
For my first CustomCon entry I wanted to try my hand at characters that haven’t received much attention. I chose the Battle Axis because I remember them fondly from the INVADERS comics of the 1970’s and because they just look cool.
BARON BLOOD was created using the Black Spider-Man from the Spider-Man Classics line, with the arms of the Iron Spider-Man figure from the same wave. His wings are made from the cape of a JLU Batman. Sadly, my original wing design did not work out so these are not comic accurate. The head from the eyes up is Prof. X; the nose and mouth is from the Wolverine alternate head from the recent Wolverine/Forge 2 pack. The headpiece was created with the assistance of the Wife in the Anthill and is made from electrical tape and GreenStuff. He was painted using DupliColor vinyl dye and Citadel Colors.
BARON VON STRUCKER was created using {I think} an Air Strike Wolverine figure; he sports a DC Super Heroes Battlesuit Lex Luthor head. His goggles were created with jump-rings from the craft-store. He was painted with Model Color and Citadel paints.
MASTER MAN was created using the Marvel Legends Sentry figure. The sculpted details are made from GreenStuff. He was painted with Model Colors and Citadel paints.
WARRIOR WOMAN was created by combining the top half of a Marvel Legends Black Queen with the bottom half of a Spider-Man 3 Mary Jane Watson {6″ Movie Collection}. She was painted using Gloss Black Model Color.
RED SKULL was created using a Dark Knight Returns Thug body and the overcoat from the Marvel Legends Blade figure. His head belonged to the Marvel Legends Deathlok figure and was heavily-modded with GreenStuff. His gun is from the fodder-box; his cigarette holder is a plastic twist-tie and GreenStuff.
I decided I wanted a few more characters in my “wave” but was pressed for time and low on fodder. I created three “army builders” to round things out.
STRAHLEN-SOLDAT {Jet Soldier} is an original creation. He was crafted from a Marvel Legends Sentry figure. His helmet came from the Marvel Legends X3 Juggernaut and was modded with GreenStuff. His jetpack came from the DCD JLA Adam Strange figure. The straps are electrical tape. The swastika is from the fodder-box. He was painted with Citadel Colors.
AUSLESE-SOLDAT {Elite Soldier} is an original creation. He was crafted using Captain America from the Cap/Ultimate Fury 2 pack. His legs are from a Marvel Legends Blade figure. His glasses came from the Marvel Legends Doctor Octopus figure. Guns are from the Cap/Fury 2 Pack. His jacket was sanded, then modded with GreenStuff. He was painted with Model Colors and Citadel paints.
BRAND-SOLDAT {Fire Soldier} is an original creation. He was crafted using a Marvel Legends Movie Daredevil figure. His head is from a Marvel Legends Wonder Man. His flame-thrower was from a Marvel Legends Pyro figure; the jets on his hands are from an unknown figure, possibly from McFarlane Toys. His goggles were made from jump-rings.
Since the Marvel Build-A-Figure has sadly become extinct I decided to honor it by creating my own.
U-MAN was created using the legs from the Spider-Man 3 Venom {6″ Movie Collection}, arms from a Marvel Legends wave 2 Hercules and the trunk and head of a Marvel Legends Omega Red. His head-fins are some random Batarang cut in half. His scepter is from the Fantastic Four Classics Namor, repainted to match his overall look. Sculpted elements are GreenStuff. I used Citadel blues and greens for the base coats, Model Color Blood Red and Orange for the boots, then finished him using DecoArt Dazzling Metallics Green and Ceramacoat Baby Blue Pearl. I then sealed him with Model Color gloss varnish to prevent paint-rub and preserve his pearly sheen.
There you have it. Thanks for visiting the Anthill!