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Fwoosh Week In Review – 10/25/9

After a week break, that column that takes a week and slices it into bite sized nuggets with a slightly

snarky and yet hopefully lovable tone returns.

Now what the hell happened…

In the Microverse:

Series 6 of MU have shown up and currently seem to be solely in the possession of fwooshette hunnipot85. This is that wave where the much requested Jim Lee Jean Grey has been made in the smaller scale before the bigger scale. Which a lot of people were SUPER HAPPY about. Jean is not made of plastic, but is instead made of pure “neener neener”. I hear that stuff is fragile though, so play carefully.

After a year wait, Pabs reviewed the Red Hulk wave, screwing with time with more finesse than Adam warlock using the time gem on his infinity gauntlet, which should have been a swappable part, you sons of bitches. In continued bitching about figures that weren’t the way I would have preferred, has anybody seen that crappy Ultron figure?

Wow…I just got hit with a pie. Seriously.

Soupy Sales, (who died this week, fyi) that was for you, .

Those Gigantic battles are here and there, and it’s all very confusing, because anti-MU people are going through crisesisisieesies of something or other by buying an MU in order to get a large ML figure, and it’s making people crazy. And that thread is a situation of me getting lost by not checking on it in ten pages and all of a sudden I have no idea what’s going on, so I dive in and try to find out some info and I know there’s a skrull version and a red and blue and yellow and I have no idea. I know a discussion broke out over superhero fashion or something, and fwoosher ’89 sound was oddly confrontational about the shape of boxes or something and I think while nobody was looking somebody farted and blamed it on the dog, but I haven’t seen them yet so…muckluck.

Running into the Multiverse:

Apparently some people are still having trouble with wave ten.

And 9

and 8

WELL HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS!!! Because wave 11 may be hitting soon. I say “hitting” instead of “dropping” because I don’t know what the hell that means, even though “hitting” doesn’t make any more sense. Much like “a Spike Lee joint”. How the hell do you smoke a movie? You don’t. You just don’t.

You just don’t.

Where the hell was I…Oh rightrightright…DCUC.

The Expanded Universe:

The wait for Matty to deliver Ray Zodak and Teela is forever…

The Macroverse:

TFitz stopped collecting comics, and signs on the horizon point to him quitting toys also.

In a statement, a representative for comics and toys had this to say to TFitz:


Harsh, representative guy. Harsh.

I tried quitting once. 1989, I think it was. Went a week. Then a team of guys dressed in geek shirts stormed me, tossed me in a van and injected a GI Joe right into my veins. I was legally dead for about an hour. Good thing I wasn’t illegally dead, I hear they really crack down on that type of stuff.

The Bar With No Name:

Some bastard didn’t review last week on fwoosh. Also, though there are signs of it getting better, Canongirl’s job was less than pleasant, because some chick had a kid. I feel your pain Cg. One time I had to work twice as hard because of a woman giving birth. Of course that woman was my mother, and I couldn’t get out, so they had to slice her open.

Coincidentally? Couldn’t find wave ten in there either. That’s the main reason I wanted out.

MutantformerlyknownasJoe’s Ghostbuster Halloween costume involves a working proton pack that may indeed blow up taking with it a significant chunk of where he lives. I’m guessing that’s more “trick” than “treat”.

And…that’s that.

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