Two weeks ago, I said something big might happen the following week. The universe failed me miserably.Therefore I had no choice, so I summoned every ounce of strength I had and shunned the universe.Showed it who’s boss. Ignored it completely until it acquiesced to my demands. Nothing continued happening for quite a while.
Time passed…and then last week, something finally happened. Something of monumental importance to people that like important monuments. Like that Washington one.
Disney Bought Marvel. Bought them good. Bought the crap out of them. 4 billion dollars worth. That is a lot of bought. And I think some loose change may have been involved. Disney has a lot of couches. It was news so sphincter-tighteningly important that it spilled into a grand total of four forums on fwoosh: Microverse, the comic relief forum, the Multiplex…and to a lesser extent the custom shop talk forum. This is probably all my fault, in some way. Because there’s actual news, then my planned “fwoosh showtune” is now being put on hiatus. Look for it November the neverth.
When he heard his parent company just bought Marvel, Goofy later issued this statement:
This news has caused the entirety of the internet community to simultaneously scratch their chins while making a “hmm” sound. What does this mean for the various multimedia properties that are affiliated with Marvel? More importantly, what does it mean for Snowglare?
Because I hate Disney, I boycott all of their products.
Which means a cliffhanger that he’ll never know the ending of in X-Factor. And there’s been some damn good ones this year. Remember the one where *gurk*
Excuse me. PAD just crept up behind me and kneed me in the bajimmies. He’s like a ninja…
Anyway. Disney. I’ll let fwoosher negative reactions speak for themselves:
Little Miss Vixen:
Ugh…..this is horrible, horrible news, IMO.
Yup, just read this. Sucks. F*ck you Disney.
I think this is bad news for Marvel toy and movie fans.
Cannot imagine this being a good thing…
I guess we’ll see.
Ugh terrible news, terrible, terrible news
Walt Disney:
Bendis effing sucks.
Mickey Mouse:
Being a mouse I’ve never been too uh…fond of cats, haha…but I’m going to be all up in Tigra as soon as possible.
Ok, that wasn’t quite negative. Unless you’re Minnie Mouse.
There was plenty of cautious optimism too. Yep. Very cautious. But optimism doesn’t produce snappy quotes. And there was some anti-hasbro sentiment as well, because that creeps up everywhere.
In other news that may be slightly less interesting, in the Bar With No Name…fwooshers who were created in the womb of a thread that was “lol it was supposed to be a comment delete plz” now have a new version of that thread. “Delete plz”. Popoman’s shouts of joy could be heard several states away.
Also, he who created the LIWSTBACDP hasn’t posted since then. What did you bastards do to him…
In a rare appearance of The Cheap Seats in this column, we will now have a a requested plug for Pearsonic’s fantasy NHL league, THE PEARSONIC CUP
If you’re a hockey enthusiast, a fantasy league enthusiast or just like to join things, check it out.
Regarding the Expanded Universe…Webstor comes out next week. DON’T FORGET!
Aaaand…we’re done.
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