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Secret Identities – Ven

Secret Identities: Ven

venavvyspntattoo_prevI ask fwooshmembers questions

They answer them.

Ven: “I took him and took care of him and he was a very happy cat”

Where do you live?

Ridgewood, Queens, NY and I hate it here.

Where do you work?

I fix computers so it is wherever I am sent.

Who is in you family?

I have one brother and a sister-in-law, Divorced parents and one living grandmother. And of course my fiancée, also my best friend who is like my brother.

Any pets?

Well more like children. lol I have cats, Two (Zim and Gir) I adopted when they were 4 days old because the local vet was going to put them down since no one wanted to adopt such young kittens. I had to bottle feed them and act like a surrogate mother to them.


What are your future plans?

At this moment getting married on Halloween this year.

Does your future wife know about the collection?

Yes she lives with me been living with me for over 2 years and half the collection is hers. She collects Bleeding Edge Goth dolls I got her into customizing she made one custom but helped with the painting of mine when I was still customizing. I don’t customize really anymore but I still help my friends with painting their stuff. I would never say I quit customizing cause I just take long breaks sometimes a year off then ill start back up.


The wedding is on Halloween?

Yes October 31 2009. Been very busy getting everything together. Its going to be a normal wedding some people have asked me if they have to wear costumes and I have to keep telling em its a normal wedding. The 31st is my favorite day and the day I got trapped, I mean engaged.

How come you don’t post very often?

Just very busy and don’t have time and I really don’t have much to add to the topics but I login everyday and read most of the topics and still keep in touch with a few people out side the boards.

Why did you change your name from “Venom” to “Ven”?

Two reasons: one was that there were new people at the time that was using the word “venom” in their name and I didn’t want to be mistaken as them. And the second reason was I didn’t like when I posted a custom the title was like “venom customs wolverine” and be mistaken as a venom custom . “Ven” I liked because my real name is Steven. So “Ven” being short for venom seemed to work better as it was the last 3 letters of my name and first 3 letters of “venom”. And it wasn’t easy to get my name changed the admins give you a option you either give them sexual favors or you have to spend a weekend with Levit. You know what I chose? Indy is a very rough lover that’s all I’m going to say about that.

Why so much love for Houdini?

I have always been interested in the supernatural and the occult, and fascinated with what’s after death. Besides Houdini being a great escape artist, it was his work debunking mediums and spiritualists. Houdini’s training in magic allowed him to expose frauds that had successfully fooled many scientists and academics. It was his work debunking these frauds that have always interested me. I believe in life after death. I just dislike people taking advantage of other people, especially people in mourning. And I would always hang around and walk around cemeteries when I was younger, looking at the beauty of them. Houdini’s grave is in a cemetery by me that I used to spend a lot of time in so I would visit his grave and pay my respects whenever I was in that cemetery.


Have you seen the movie Harold and Maude?

Yes, I watched Harold and Maude -very funny movie. What made you ask this question? Just wondering.

The kid is enamored with death. He meets Maude at a funeral, which neither of them know the deceased. She loves life, they hook up. His parents give him a Jaguar for his birthday and he converts it to a hearse. That hearse part cracks me up. The hearse-part is why I asked.

After I thought about the movie and the hearse it made sense to me. I used to make small-scale model cars I would buy a normal car usually a muscle car and customize it into a hearse. I have a fascination with life and death and what’s after this life. I had a close call with death and I think that’s what started it. I fear roaches more then I fear death. Lol.


You seem very nice with helping out your cats and stuff but you also seem intimidating or scary. Do you get that reaction alot?

Yes I get that alot I think when people don’t know me they get that feeling. It doesn’t really bother me makes people leave me alone, which is good when you have social anxiety like me. I love cats more then dogs. My paralyzed cat just passed away 2 weeks ago because of complications with his paralyzation, but I had him for a year and the vet that gave him to me was going to put him down at a month old. So I took him and took care of him and he was a very happy cat even with his problems. When he passed away to me it was like losing a son. Nibbler, who was 4 months old when I got him, again; the vet was going to put him down since no one wanted to adopt him because his back two legs are paralyzed. The vet said that some little kids threw rocks at his back when he was only a month old and that caused him to be paralyzed. I might be getting another cat soon I try to go for cats that no one wants. There was a nice black cat I wanted to adopt that had no eyes because of a accident, but he wasn’t for adoption. He was the hospital’s cat that they had for years and they loved him too much to part with.


Do you cook?

No, unless microwaving is considered cooking. Have you ever tried putting a grape in the microwave?

What is in your collection?

I have a collection of die cast hearses, and a pretty good venom collection because Venom is my favorite comic character. I have a big collection of Invader Zim figures.


Where do you vacation? Where would you like to vacation?

I haven’t gone on a vacation, but I want to go to Alaska because I love the cold. I can sleep in the winter with the A/C on. DAMN YOU SUMMER I HATE THEE!!

What other sites do you visit?,,,

What do you spend your money on?

I spend it on cigs, cat food, soda.

What is wrong with you?

Besides depression, borderline personality disorder and anxiety I’m normal. Thank you happy pills.

Thanks Ven!


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