By now we all know that there will be TWO versions of the DCIH Anti-Monitor at SDCC: one 3 3/4 figure available for 50 Anti-Monitor points or $10.00 and then a handful of raffle giveaways for a 3-foot-plus ginormous version if you have been saving up said Anti-Monitor points at 25 points per try. He have a first look at the smaller version ready for you right now!
Even though he is now currently dead, the Anti-Monitor is playing a crucial role in this Summer’s big Blackest Night event at DC Comics. The timing seems perfect for this SDCC exclusive and I have to say, this is one of the nicest Infinite Heroes figures that Mattel has done so far. The articulation is good and the paint job is pretty flawless. Having him in hand, I would really love to win one of the big boys at the Con, but I would settle for a 12 inch version as Collect & Connect figure in DC Universe Classics.
The back of the package does tease some upcoming figures of The Monitor, Psycho Pirate, emaciated Flash and Supergirl. While the Anti-Monitor himself is numbered as Series 1, Figure ∞.
At any rate, this is a great giveaway for those that have been clipping their points, so stop by the Mattel booth next week to pick yours up!
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