It’s time for another edition of New Custom Tuesday! New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread.
For this week’s customs, read on!
This week’s featured custom is Arez’s 7th Kingdom style Sabretooth!
Arez’s work here fits in perfectly with the 4 Horsemen’s original 7th Kingdom property that inspired him. I think what really jumps out for me on this guy is the paint job on the character’s fur. There is some nice subtle shading on this guy. I also love how he found use for those realm of the claw figure head sculpts. They look perfect on the super articulated pieces he used for the body.
Check out more pics of this custom and the rest of Arez’s customs here.
Here are the rest of this past week’s customs!
- Batman – Panther10
- “Twilight” First-Kiss Bella & Edward – MsBig
- WhirlWind – CRobtheCreator
- 3.75″ Red Skull – Iacon Studios
- Stel – Pearsonic
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