Matty is back for his mid-month round of answers to your questions. Read on to get the latest!
1. Is there any truth to a DCUC 5-pack box set release around the time of the final wave for the year? If so, is it an exclusive, reissue, new sculpts, etc?
We should have more details on multipacks at SDCC.
2. Fans have been wondering about the DCUC9 Wildcat variant since it was announced- any chance of getting a picture of this since there have been no details released thus far?
Not at this time, but we will share once we have images!
3. So… Mer-Man production numbers went up and he still sold out (AGAIN!) in about an hour on the second go around. Doesn’t seem like enough was done to help out the fans, what is next? We want to be able to get our MOTUC figures!
We increased production on the MOTU figures again (starting with Tri-Klops). Zodac, Hordak and Man-At-Arms will all be produced in the same amount as Mer Man. Additionally, between May 18 and 24, we will offer a subscription program to pre-purchase the last four MOTU figures of 2009 and in August we will offer a subscription to pre-buy all of the 2010 figures!
4. Talk has been quiet for awhile on the Movie Masters front- can you give us any substantial updates about the future of the line?
Hopefully we will have more info by SDCC. We are working hard to get the remaining movie master figures out to fans!
5. Do you have price points in place for the SDCC exclusives yet? If so, what are they?
Pricing will be posted within the next two months on along with limits and other ordering info.
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