{mosimage}1. With the popularity of the Resolute cartoon, how heavy of a presence will the resolute versions of charcaters have in future 25th anniversary waves?
The 25th waves will stop shipping this summer as we start the shift into the movie line. Based on the reaction to the Resolute figures, we are trying to weave them into the movie line where possible in the future.
2. Was there a reason that Wetsuit’s helmet was not included in the upcoming seven-pack set? Or will it actually be included in the set and is just not pictured?
Wetsuit’s breathing mask is included in the set.
3. What’s been the best things about working with movie-makers on the GI Joe movie toys? What have been the most challenging things?
The best thing has been seeing the characters from our childhood come to life before our eyes! It has also been great to see general passion for G.I. Joe rise as the buzz on the movie starts to build.
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