It is the end of the month and Matty and Toy Guru are back to put to bed some of the unsubstantiated rumors that have been buzzing the internets as of late. Read the answers from the direct source.
1. With just a couple of DCUC series relased so far in 2009 it seems like the figures are flying off the shelves even faster than last year. Fans seem to want as many new characters as they can get as fast as they can get them- any chance of seeing some new product executions in the near future? Themed boxsets or 2 and 3 packs could really help to fill the shelves. We want more!
We would love to do more sets, but in the end it is up to retailer to show interest in these. We have proposed a lot of different sets and combos to different retailers but until we have commitments from them to carry packs we can not announce new figures.
2. We have been told that Man-bat will be released in 2009 under the DCUC banner in his brow paint scheme- can you confirm if he will be a single card figure or a Collect and Connect?
He will be a single carded figure and will come with a piece of a collect and connect.
3. Since we now have confirmation that MOTUC Tri-Clops’ visor will rotate can be be assured that when Man-E-Faces is produced he will the ability to rotate his many faces?
We have not worked on Man-E-Faces yet, but we will find a way for his faces to change.
4. For Ghostbusters Classics- many fans are starting to get really nervous about Bill Murray signing off on his likeness for a 6 inch figure, is there any news or assurance you can give us regarding his authorization so we know we won’t be on ‘buster down for the line?
We are very committed to getting a Peter figure in the line and are working hard with Sony and Bill Murry to get approvals on a sculpt as soon as possible.
5. Will the 2009 DCUC Wal-Mart wave be a full seven figure wave or will it be smaller, like back to 5 figures?
All of the 2009 waves will be 7 figures.
Thanks Matty and Toy Guru!
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