{mosimage}It may be hard to believe, but here we are, just ten days after the close of the vote, and we have results for the official Marvel Top Ten for Winter ’09. We want to think it’s because the staff at the Fwoosh has gotten its act together, but the real reason is that we wanted to publish the results of the Fwoosh vote in conjunction with Hasbro’s own 70th Anniversary Poll for Marvel Universe. If not for that, I’m sure we’d have published the results around San Diego Comic Con.
UPDATE: Hasbro has published their results, and we’ve added some comments in this article too.
This was the biggest Top Ten we’ve had for Marvel with over 1,400 votes. Certainly, the Marvel Universe Giveaway we offered up from Hasbro helped in that regard. [Winners will be announced later this week.] We also ran things a little differently this time. To align with Hasbro, we restricted the votes your top five picks from the 70 characters Hasbro ran in their poll. If any of your picks were not on that list, then it wasn’t counted.
But enough with the formalities. You want the results – so, without further ado, here are your Top Ten Marvel picks!
#10 and #9 [Tied with 32 votes] Medusa and Tiger Shark
Medusa was one of three Inhumans included in the poll. She was the only one to break into the top ten, and just barely. There were five characters clustered in the 30 – 33 vote range, so you could say she just made it by a hair. Thank you – I’ll be here all week! The other Inhumans were Crystal and Karnak, who registered 18 and 13 votes, respectively.
Seeing Tiger Shark in the top ten was a real surprise. In the last Marvel Top Ten, he barely registered with 3 votes. It could be that Fwooshers are looking for someone to face off with that Namor we got a few years back in Super Hero Showdown, or maybe I’ve got it all wrong and people actually like what they were seeing with Tiger Shark in the Deadpool comic by Daniel Way. Really? You guys like that?
#8 [33 votes] Mary Jane – MJ was #5 on Hasbro’s Fan Choice vote
With Mary Jane Watson, we’ve got our first civilian breaking into the top ten, quite a move up from the 75th spot she had in the last Marvel Top Ten, with 7 votes. Fwooshers must be real gluttons for punishment, asking for an MJ in a poll targeted for the 3 3/4-inch Marvel Universe line, when all we’ve gotten of her in action figure format were the the couple of 6-inch Spider-Man movie figures that we got from Toy Biz and Hasbro. Let’s just say we didn’t hit the jackpot on those.
For those of you who are curious, Gwen Stacy was not that far behind MJ, with 25 votes. I must have a thing for blondes, because I always liked Gwen better than MJ. Same goes for Betty and Veronica.
#7 [38 votes] Drax The Destroyer
Another figure we never saw in the 6-inch scale, Drax had been inching his way up in the past top tens. In the last one, he was up the 27th spot, with 17 votes. You’ve got to admire a guy who can punch a hole through the chest of a guy to crush his heart. That alone puts him on par with Mola Ram from Temple of Doom, but since Drax is also good with knives I’ll give him the edge.
#6 [42 votes] Dormammu
Dormy’s been flitting in and out of the top ten for the past few votes. Last time he just missed, placing 11th, but the time before that he was in the 8th spot. Given the revelation a couple months back that [spoiler] he’s the power behind The Hood [/spoiler] he’s sure to have a prominent role in Marvel’s Dark Reign.
He’s another villain who never saw action in the 6-inch scale, outside of some really great customs. Maybe his time will come in Marvel Universe. Incidentally, The Hood wasn’t that far out of the top ten, keeping Gwen Stacy company at 25 votes.
#5 [45 votes] Archangel – Archangel was #1 on Hasbro’s Fan Choice vote
Call me an old-timer, but I never understood why people like a blue-skinned mutant with metal wings that can julienne fries faster than a chopper from Ron Popeil. That didn’t stop you from voting him into the middle of our line-up. To put it in perspective, last top ten, Warren only registered a single vote. Perhaps he’s coming back into vogue now that he is safely out of Chuck Dixon’s hands and back to shredding up his enemies in the X-Force comic.
#4 [51 votes] Polaris
I would have been disappointed if Polaris hadn’t made the top ten. She’s been in the numero uno spot for the past couple of votes, to the point where Ray got tired of writing about her. Fellow Starjammer Havok just missed the top ten, with 30 votes, but Havok was #3 on Hasbro’s Fan Choice vote.
If our vote lines up with Hasbro’s, and Polaris ends up getting made in the Marvel Universe line, we’ll probably have to shut down the Marvel forum here for about a year, so angry Fwooshers with their torches and pitchforks will have to find someplace else to burn down and skewer the Hasbro Marvel team.
We can only hope that the Hasbro Marvel team is keeping Polaris in mind for when they relaunch the 6-inch line. Hasbro, you’ve been warned!
#3 [59 votes] Gladiator
Gladiator has been a steady climber in the past few votes, moving from 9th to 6th and landing here in the 3rd spot. The guy has fought pretty much every heavy hitter in the Marvel universe, and we need a big guy in the not-quite-as-big-as-Hulk range to face off against the fan favorite Super Hero Showdown Colossus. Another perennial want in the 6-inch line, we’ll have to give the same warning to the Hasbro Marvel team as we did for Polaris.
#2 [65 votes] Multiple Man
If Madrox doesn’t have Marvel Universe written all over him, I don’t know who would. Here’s a guy who makes dupes of himself if he bumps his butt into a table, and that just screams "army builder!" He clocked in at the tenth spot last vote, but maybe learning that he’ll one day be married to Layla Miller has given him the boost in popularity to climb the ranks some more. Because, she’s Layla Miller and she knows almost as much stuff as some of our Marvel Universe fans!
And in the #1 spot with 78 votes… Winter Soldier – Winter Soldier was #2 on Hasbro’s Fan Choice vote
Bucky has finally made it out from under the shadow of Steve Roger’s shield. There are plenty of Fwoosher’s who miss old Steve, but there’s no contesting that the Winter Soldier made a heck of a Captain America enemy, an even better friend, and… well, the jury’s probably out on how great of a Cap he makes, even though I’d argue the Captain America comic hasn’t been as compelling in years.
The Winter Soldier had fallen out of the top ten last round, but some of his vote was probably getting split off to Bucky Cap, who wasn’t a choice in this poll. I might be the only one, but I think Bucky, Winter Soldier, and Captain America would make a great Evolutions three-pack.
Here’s the full results (winners of the Hasbro Fan Choice vote are in red):
That wraps it up for this portion of the Marvel Top Ten. Mystique was the #4 choice in Hasbro’s Fan Choice vote, and had 20 votes here. I’m sure some members of the Hasbro Marvel team are wishing the Hasbro poll turned out differently. As I understand it, there were some big wagers being placed on Paper Bag Spidey to come in near the top. Fwooshers didn’t heed the call!
Stay tuned – we’ll be updating this article when Hasbro publishes their results, and we’ll also be announcing the results of the Gigantic Battles portion of our vote, as well as the winners of the Marvel Universe Giveaway.
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