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At The Movies with SCB – 3/1/9

{mosimage}It’s been a slow week in the theatres, so we head to the rental store before Watchmen next week. You probably haven’t heard of Frozen River. It went under the radar and maybe rightfully so. It’s a pretty good way to spend a night at home however.

frozenAs far as independent rentals go, I would put this up with The Visitor, a sa solid rental choice.

The stand out of this movie is Melissa Leo, who has an amazing performance in this as a poor, desperate, but strong mother who will do what it takes for her kids. I’d give her best actress this year, but since Kate Winslet is due, she’ll get overlooked.

It’s the story of a mother of two, living in a trailer who’s husband abandons her and her family before Christmas. She’s very poor and her job won’t let her get promoted due to her age. She ends up human trafficking between the borders of New York and Quebec to support her kids. Between all this is the Mohawk woman who gets her involved and has her own struggling story within her tribe.

Not a great movie, but a solid rental if you want to see a great performance.

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