Attack of the Fifty-Foot Jailbait!
Make My Marvel! – Stature
Cassie Lang is the daughter of Scott Lang, the second Ant-Man. As a young child, Cassie possessed a congenital heart defect. This drove her father to first become Ant-Man in order to (initially) illegally obtain money to pay for his daughter’s treatment. This is what facillitated Cassie’s life-long interaction with the superhero community, including a short stint living at Four Freedoms Plaza with the Fantastic Four. When Scott joined the Heroes For Hire, Cassie accompanied him. Despite dangerous encounters with the Master and the Super Adaptoid, Cassie loved the adventurous lifestyle.
This same lifestyle was what caused Cassie’s mother to seek and eventually obtain sole custody of Cassie for her own safety. This is what drove Scott to join the Avengers who’s good standing allowed Scott to gain visitation rights. Several weekends a month, Cassie stayed with her father at Avengers’ Mansion. The custody battle caused Cassie to deeply resent her mother and (later) stepfather. This resentment combined with her admiration for her father as a hero pushed Cassie to being secretly taking Pym Particles, though it would be nearly a decade before she would see any results.
Cassie was devastated when her father died in an explosion during the events of Avengers: Disassembled. This along with her mother’s ever-increasing anti-hero rhetoric finally drove Cassie to run away. Initially, she hoped to find and join the Runaways, but instead sought out the group of heroes who’d recently begun calling themselves the Young Avengers. Cassie and Kate Bishop caught up with the Young Avengers at the ruins of Avengers’ Mansion. During an argument with Patriot, Cassie’s heightened emotional state caused the Pym Particles lying dormant within her to activate. Cassie discoverd that she could shrink or grow at will. Captain America and Iron Man arrived on the scene and immediately disbanded the young team, but not before Cassie retrieved her father’s uniform from the Mansion.
Cassie, now calling herself Stature, and Kate Bishop, claiming the title Hawkeye, brought together the other disbanded members to restart the Young Avengers. It was during their initial adventures that Stature developed a crush on Iron Lad, but nothing came of it as, not long after, Iron Lad was revealed to be the younger version of Kang the Conquerer and was returned to his time. The Young Avengers soon joined the anti-registration rebellion during the Superhero Civil War.
Following the gruesome death of Goliath during a pitched hero vs. hero battle, Stature was one of the heroes that defected to Iron Man’s registration forces. At the time, Stature stated that her decision to leave her friends was out of fear, but has since claimed that it was instead out of a sense of responsibillity. Stature has also displaced her feelings onto the anti-reggers, criticizing them for their foolish romanticized ideals of superheroes, revealing that she has unresolved feelings regarding her childhood and her father’s loss.
Stature’s former teammate Vision sought her out, claiming to have romantic feelings for her. Stature gave him the "I need time to think" fallback and left. Ouch. Since then, Stature has taken up residence at the Initiative training compound and is currently on the frontlines battling the Skrull Invasion.
Which version of Stature do you most want made for Marvel Legends?
Version 1
Version 2
Giant-Girl (Janet Van Dyne)
**As always, images stolen at hamsterpoint from Comicvine and Marvelwiki**
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