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Demanded Characters – Ra’s al Ghul Supporting Cast

Welcome back to another edition of Demanded Characters.   A few weeks ago the announcement of the Gentleman Ghost started all kinds of discussions about the body.  There is no doubt that both the Joker and Ra’s al Ghul are perfect characters to take advantage of that body.  Most of us would say we want a classic suited Ra’s, but if we had the chance to get him as part of a 2 pack, who would your Demanded Character be?

It seems that the Legion is the hot topic in the DCUC.  Most people want to see them in the line, but the real debate comes from what era of the Legion should be made.  It seems like the Legion is going to be part of the DC column in the future.

There are a few choices that seem to scream for a Demon’s Head 2 pack.  While there are a few characters that could work, who wants a simple repack? How about some repaints and slight retools that would make this the must have two pack for all Batman fans?  Thanks to Batman Begins, Ra’s al Ghul has become a widely know villain and because of that he can for sure headline a two pack, but who should come with him? 
Talia- The beloved of Bruce Wayne and the Daughter of Ra’s is one character that most fans want to help finish off their Batman Rogues.  There is no doubt that this character could use one of the current female bodies, and if that is the case this two pack would make great sense cost wise for Mattel.  Another reason she is perfect is that it seems like a great way to get another female in the line without taking up a single figure slot.  

Ubu- The famous body guard of Ra’s and loyal companion is someone that is a great secondary character, but does not scream must have.  He is someone that would not sell well as a single figure in the line, and I think most people would agree he would be taking away from someone more important in the DCU.  But as a 2 pack figure he is someone who might work well.  He is also another figure that could borrow parts from a previous figure.  Bane would make a great start to making Ubu.  

Damian- The final choice in our poll this week is the grandson of the Demon’s head, Damian. There is no doubt that he is not a fan favorite in the DC world, but nonetheless he has become an important character in the comics.  He could use the teen body of Robin or Kid Flash and be in any number of outfits.  He would be smaller and as part of the two pack with grandpa Ghul he could be a great figure.  

So, guys, we have a few choices in this week’s poll head over to the thread to check them out.

Some images courtesy of Comic Vine

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