Okay gang, we’re back! We have closed two polls of villainy to kick a set of THREE (!) polls to choose the most desired from a very hot group right now- the Final Crisis-starring New Gods!
Hail to the King! Kirby, that is. The prolific King of Comics, Jack Kirby, left rich and unique thumb print on the DC Universe with the creation of the Fourth World concept and the inhabitants of twin-planets New Genesis and Apokalips. That being said, we are giving The King his due, feature his creations over THREE polls for you to decide. Now, as we all know, Darkseid, Orion, Lightray, Kalibak, Mr. Miracle, Big Barda and the Parademons are already on the way to us so we have left them off the lists. Also, even though Mantis, Forager and Steppenwolf are on the Wal-Mart computer system list, we ARE going to keep them.
So, now is the time to vote. Mattel and the Four Horsemen have shown that they have quite the affinity for this corner of the DC Universe so hopefully there will be plenty of spots open for them in the years to come. We will run the three preliminary polls this week and then next week we will take the top three vote-getters from each poll plus the highest voted character outside of that scope to make up the final top ten characters in the finale poll next week.
Go now, and decide on the Gods you want on you shelves!
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