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Ask Hasbro (Marvel) – 11/11/8

{mosimage}We admit it – we’ve been absolutely horrible at getting your questions to the Marvel team at Hasbro.  In fact, we have been so bad at it, that the good folks over there came to us, picked out some timely queries from those that you’ve submitted, and answered them for us.  If they had access to our content management system, I’m sure they would have published them, too.

So, we’re sorry we’ve been so bad.  Thank you, Hasbro, for answering the following questions!

Q: Not sure if this is a Fwoosh or Hasbro question, but here goes: When will answers be posted to the ten plus pages of questions?  Hulk answers his questions weekly, can you not do the same?

A: Great Question – the time is now.  You have our word, if questions are submitted we’ll answer them.  However, we can’t answer them weekly like the Hulk – no one can answer that many questions!  He is quite simply the strongest there is. 
Q: Is there any chance we’ll see an extension of the Hulk Legends series? The Hulk has many different variations/incarnations that have yet to be made as well as a whole host of adversaries that would make for great figures. If multiple spiderman and wolverine figures can be made, why not the HULK?

A: There are no plans to continue the Hulk Legends series beyond the Fin Fang Foom wave, but Hulk and his many versions are always in play when we define classic lineups. In fact, we’ve already done 7 different 6” Legend versions of the Hulk since Jan 07!
Q: Why has there been such poor distribution of the Ares wave across Wal-marts in the past month? Many collectors have not seen any of the figures at their local Wal-marts and those who have seen them cannot find any more because the Wal-mart system has labeled the wave "non-replenishable. Is Hasbro and/or Walmart aware of this problem and what is being done to remedy it?

A: The first shot of inventory burned through at break neck speed…but it is replenishable and we’re seeing this wave get fully stocked nationally right about now.   The demand for these has been high so make like Crossbones and get some!
Q: Have you just given up on all international markets? There are still lots of fans who would welcome the chance to buy your figures, so it’s sad to feel as though these markets are no longer seen as worthwhile. Have you given any thought to either offering international shipping through your US online toy store, or supplying Marvel Legends to your other global outlets. There’s a perfectly good Hasbro UK toy shop online, for example, so the infrastructure is in place.

A: Don’t give up!  Voice your opinion to your local retailers and tell your friends to do the same.  This isn’t a matter of distribution.  Obviously, we want Legends to be carried everywhere possible, but retailers make their own choices with respect to what lines to carry.  Global fans Unite!  Make sure to tell them you need more Marvel!  If you’re local retailers order them, we’ll ship them!
Q: Have you considered selling the Army Builder 2-packs (SHIELD agent/Hand ninja; Kree/Skrull soldiers; Iron Man Female SHIELD agent) as individual full cases to online retailers or through the ToyShop? I’d buy like 3 cases of the SHIELD sets, myself.

A: We don’t have current plans to solid pack these… but there will be some revised cases that just include a mix of several different army builder 2 packs.

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