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Make My Marvel! – Supporting Characters

Supermodels, Geriatrics, Butlers, and other hangers-on inside.

Make My Marvel! – Supporting Characters

Let’s live in a fantasy land for a few minutes…. not the one where every woman is built like an Adam Hughes pin-up and your figure collection is the ultimate aphrodisiac.  The one where one of those loyal, superpowerless, completely mundane comicbook supporting character might actually get made into an action figure.  Imagine that Hasbro’s target demographic is you, sitting there in your "Impeach Quesada" t-shirt while polishing your Man-thing.  They’re mass-producing one and only one non-powered supporting character for Marvel Legends: whom do you choose?

Mary Jane Watson

Yes, we did a MJ figure in the S3 6" movie line if you want to be technical.  Technically, it was also a beastly figure of a movie version of a very haggard-looking Kirsten Dunst wearing a potato sack.  Thus, it sucks and does not count.  We need an official comicbook version of the supermodel-turned-superwife MJ.  Any era will do, though the best choice would most likely come from some version of Peter Parker’s introduction to his future bride.


Poor Jarvis.  First, constantly having to clean up after drunken skirt-hound Tony Stark (imagine the stains the poor man had to clean using only a paintscraper and gingerale :shudder:) and, then his damage-prone teammates in the Avengers, Jarvis turned out to have been a skrull sleeper agent for an indeterminate amount of time.  Maybe it’s time to give the MU’s most underappreciated working man his due with a Marvel Legend of his own.  Include him in a two-pack with an alternate skrull head, and you’ve got something that might sell.

Foggy Nelson

Matt Murdock’s law partner and best friend, a Foggy nelson figure could bring all the excitement of a dead celebrity baby daddy custody hearing to your toy shelf.  Yeah, that’s all I got really.

Willie Lumpkin

Willie’s been delivering the Fantastic Four’s mail for decades now, but how much do we really know about him?  Does he have a wife & kids?  What are his hobbies?  Which porno mags does not deliver and he keep for himself?  How many bodies does he have buried in his basement?  Yes, many unanswered questions, the most pressing of which is should ML Willie Lumpkin be based off the comic art, or of Stan Lee’s appearance in the FF movies?

Moira MacTaggert

If Charles Xavier is the father of the X-men, then Moira Mactaggert is the bitter, divorced mother of mutantdom.  Poor Moira got stuck with the more tedious parts of creating and supporting mutant teams of heroes (designing costumes, genetic research, etc .)  Perhaps an ML of Dr. MacTaggert might get the nagging calls about unpaid child support to ease a bit.

Rick Jones

Now that Rick’s become the Abomination-like A-Bomb, his chances of an action figure are better than ever, though not as the classic character we all think of.  Rick’s sidekick resume includes the Hulk, Rom: Space Knight, Captain America, and the Avengers to name a few.  The guy’s a professional sidekick and no figure yet?  For shame!

Wyatt Wingfoot

Hanger-on to the Fantastic Four?  Not exactly a small group there.  Dated She-Hulk?  Depending on your definition of "dated" could be thousands strong.  Both?  That’s where Wyatt stands alone. 

General Thunderbolt Ross

Old Thunderbolt has been the main thorn in the Hulk’s side since the very beginning, pursuing Bruce Banner and his angry alterego across the globe.  Ross’s tireless focus made him a major player in the recent Worl War Hulk Storyline.  If made as a figure in his fatigues for the 2-pack format, Ross could include a swappable grunt’s head for ML military army-building.

Aunt May


As supporting comics characters go, it doesn’t much more iconic than May Parker.  After the way that awful Spider-man’s inaction left this poor grey fox a lonely widow with a nephew to raise, the least Hasbro could do is get the woman a Marvel Legend of her own.  We’ll hash out the details on the bikini variant at a later date.

Which supporting character do you most want made for Marvel Legends?

Mary Jane Watson


Foggy Nelson

Willie Lumpkin

Moira MacTaggert

Rick Jones

Wyatt Wingfoot

General Thunderbolt Ross

Aunt May


*Images courtesy of Comicvine*

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