Valiant Legends is a line of super-articulated action figures based on
the characters of the Valiant Comics universe. The first wave made its
debut back in the spring of 2008 at CustomCon19. Here is your first
look at the next wave of Valiant Legends, which focuses on characters
from Valiant Comic’s Harbinger. Included in this wave are the five
original team members (Sting, Kris, Flamingo, Torque, and Zephyr) along
with their nemesis Toyo Harada. As an added bonus, each figure comes
with a piece of a special Build-A-Figure. Collect all 6 pieces to
build your very own 12′ tall Rexo.
NAME: Rabid_Ewok
E-MAIL: [email protected]
NAME OF FIGURE LINE: Valiant Legends – Harbinger
Sting is
made from a Marvel Legends Silver Surfer (Ronan Series) and a Marvel
Legends Sentry head. The neck of the Surfer figure has been shortened
and resculpted with Apoxie Sculpt. The hair and parts of the costume
were also sculpted.
Kris is made from a Marvel Legends Invisible Woman (Ronan Series). Her hair and parts of her costume were sculpted.
is made from a Marvel Legends Invisible Woman (Ronan Series) body. Her
head is from a Marvel Legends Wasp with hair from a Marvel Legends
Phoenix. Her costume and high heel shoes are sculpted. I had to
shorten the legs a bit to offset the added height from the high heels.
is made of a Legendary Comic Book Heroes Savage Dragon from the waist
down, a DC Superheroes Kal-El torso and arms, and a Marvel Legends
Longshot head. The hair is sculpted, and the torso is sculpted to look
like a t-shirt.
Zephyr is made from a Marvel Legends Elektra
with the hands and feet from an Invisible Woman (Ronan Series). The
head and hair are from a Marvel Legends Warbird. The cape is a piece
of cloth with a wire along the bottom edge, and the goggles were made
of Apoxie Sculpt and a piece of clear plastic. The torso, arms, and
legs were all thickened with Apoxie Sculpt.
Toyo Harada is made from a Marvel Legends Professor X. I sculpted the hair and the wrinkles on his face.
started out as a 12′ figure I picked up at a garage sale (I have no
clue what it was). I rebuilt his arms and legs, cutting out everything
between the joints and replacing that with dowel rod so they would be
thinner. I replaced the original knee joints with the elbows of a
Marvel Legends Mole Man. The face is from a Hulk Classics Smart Hulk.
Most of the figure has been sculpted over to make the armor. The
shoulder guards are made from a quarter machine egg and they are
attached to the body with hinges to allow full arm movement. The
stomach window and helmet faceplate are clear plastic. The tendrils on
his back are twist-ties, and the tentacle on his left arm is piece of
electrical wire. The knife blades on his hands are made from Marvel
Legends Elektra swords and Wolverine claws.
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