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Marvel Top Ten Results – Spring ’08

{mosimage}Welcome again, to the latest Marvel Top Ten vote.  We just finished up the DC vote a few weeks ago, and now it’s time the Marvel results to be posted.

You have let your votes do the talking, now read on to see the top eleven (that’s right, eleven!) characters, plus the Build-A-Figure, that the Fwoosh
community collectively wants to see in Marvel Legends!

The #1 vote goes to POLARIS! (74 votes)

Clinging tenaciously to the top spot is Polaris.  Almost nothing’s changed since the last Marvel Top Ten – she even got the exact same amount of votes as before.  Man, you people are predictable – you should really wear your Thursday underwear on Tuesday.  If this keeps up, with everything being the same I could probably just copy and paste the last write-up here.

Anyways, out of the 74 votes, 12 people wanted her in her modern look, 4 people wanted classic, and 1 person wanted X-Factor. The rest was unspecified.  But we did do a Make My Marvel on Polaris, if you want a better, more detailed review of what people want for her costume-wise, because Polaris almost has as many different outfits as Wasp.

2. JEAN GREY (66 votes)

As I’ve said in previous write-ups, Jean Grey has been in the vote for so long that I’ve run out of things to write about her. I’m on strike until Hasbro just makes the figure already.

Again, as always, pretty much everyone wants the Jim Lee costume to complete the gold X-Men team.  Jean moved up from the 3rd spot to #2 and earned 66 votes.

3. ARES (53 votes)

Here comes a new challenger!  Someone who hasn’t been in the Top Ten yet, Ares made a huge jump.  He placed 20th last time and now is in 3rd place. Ares has been around along time, but he’s been having a lot of exposure recently, thanks to the Mighty Avengers.

4. WINTER SOLDIER (51 votes)

Bucky moved up in this vote too, being another character getting lots of exposure in the comics right now.  He placed 10th in the last vote, and is now at #4.  Usually we combine the votes of people’s looks, for example, Scott Lang and Hank Pym Ant-Man.  But Bucky has it rough, since he has very distinct separate entities.  The votes for Winter Soldier and Bucky Cap were separated.  Incidentally, Bucky Cap got 8 votes.


Another new face in the Top Ten is the Enchantress, the long-time female antagonist of Thor.  One thing that’s a crying shame about the Legends line is they have yet to make female baddie, who isn’t X-Men-related.  They’ve got to throw us a non-X-related badgirl bone.  In superhero lines they’ve just always been hard to get.

Enchantress placed 16th before, and is now in 5th.  She got 50 votes, which puts her at a tie with 2 other contenders.



Jubes has been bouncing up and down all over the vote.  She was at #7, then #10, then #10 again, and now at #5.  While she had just been holding on down at the bottom of the Top Ten, now she’s climbed back up.  She received 50 votes like our two other 5th place vote-getters.



This vote has spawned very odd roommates, and would make for a new interesting series. Ultron is returning his ugly mug to the vote, because a lot of people really liked the ML Series 11 figure, and they all want it re-released, right?  Right? 

It’s much cooler than a boring classic Ultron.

8. CRIMSON DYNAMO (48 votes)


Mr. Dynamo fell a few places.  He ranked 6th before, but now his crimson buttocks has fallen to the 8th spot, with 48 votes.  An early leak showed CD in the line up way back in the day, with Toy Biz Marvel Legends Series 13, but that didn’t materialize.  It’s kind of surprising that he hasn’t resurfaced yet.

9. GLADIATOR (47 votes)



Gladiator has fallen from the good graces of the 4th spot down to the 9th position with 47 votes. I guess the negative smear commercials Gladiator was running about his other running mates backfired.


It’s hard to trust any voting data for Multiple Man when he can stuff the ballot all by himselves.  Madrox came up from 12th to tie at tenth with 45 votes.



It’s been a tough plight for Valk.  She did well, getting plenty of votes, and then pictures leaked of her action figure People didn’t feel the need to vote for her.  But now that it’s looking like her figure has been bumped (from a rumored Hulk Legends line-up) and has an uncertain future, people are showing her support again.  Hasbro really needs to release that figure already.

Build-A-Figure: LOCKJAW (33 votes)

Just like our number one single carded figure, the winner of the BAF this time around is also the same.  Lockjaw beat out poor Titanium Man, who was robbed.  Lockjaw actually got less votes this go around, only getting 33 votes compared to the last outing’s 41.

That brings this edition of the Marvel Top Ten to a close.  Thanks for all the people who voted – at least to the ones who voted correctly.  It’s appreciated.  And always a big thanks to SamuRon, who always helps us tabulate the votes (and is the reason why this write-up is late!) 

As always, we have the rest the “raw data” to see how characters ranked beyond the top ten spots.

Full Voting Results

Single Carded Figures Build-A-Figure
Rank Last Top Ten Character Votes
1 1 Polaris 74
2 3 Jean Grey, Marvel Girl, Phoenix 66
3 20 Ares 53
4 10 Winter Soldier 51
5 16 Enchantress 50
5 10 Jubilee 50
5 20 Ultron 50
8 6 Crimson Dynamo 48
9 4 Gladiator 47
10 12 Madrox the Multiple Man 45
10 123 Valkyrie 45
12 8 Dormammu 42
13 7 Medusa 41
14 30 Crossbones 38
14 5 Terrax 38
16 8 Guardian 33
17 15 Warpath 31
18 27 Wrecker 30
19 39 Storm 28
20 14 Dazzler 27
20 19 Drax the Destroyer 27
22 12 Blink 26
22 23 Nighthawk 26
24 46 Iron Man 25
25 50 High Evolutionary 23
26 27 Morph 22
26 18 Shang Chi 22
28 35 Firestar 21
29 43 Silver Samurai 20
29 50 Thor 20
31 35 Crystal 19
31 25 US Agent 19
33 35 Attuma 16
33 79 Black Cat 16
33 27 Northstar 16
33 30 Quasar 16
37 104 Baron Zemo, Citizen V 15
37 50 Darkhawk 15
37 50 Klaw 15
37 64 Luke Cage, Power Man 15
37 17 Sunfire 15
37 83 Taskmaster 15
43 50 Arnim Zola 14
43 46 Blastaar 14
43 83 Nova 14
43 33 Rogue 14
47 83 Deadpool 13
47 104 Echo 13
47 38 Hellcat 13
47 33 Jack of Hearts 13
47 39 Thunderbird 13
52 71 Magneto 12
52 44 Odin 12
52 46 Puck 12
52 79 Shatterstar 12
56 39 Firelord 11
56 71 Machine Man 11
56 166 Mary Jane Watson 11
56 46 Radioactive Man 11
56 204 Star Lord 11
56 104 Wolfsbane 11
62 95 AIM Henchman 10
62 204 Captain America 10
62 50 Gorgon 10
62 50 Hyperion 10
62 139 Mr. Hyde 10
62 79 Photon 10
62 104 Titanium Man 10
69 95 Beast 9
69 104 Beetle, MACH-1, MACH-IV 9
69 83 Count Nefaria 9
69 64 Cyclops 9
69 95 Executioner 9
69 39 Kate Bishop, Hawkeye 9
69 166 Marrow 9
69 104 Mockingbird 9
69 104 Red Skull 9
69 83 Sauron 9
69 83 Son of Satan 9
69 71 Songbird 9
69 71 Speedball 9
69 123 Stryfe 9
69 60 Wonderman 9
84 50 Aurora 8
84 #N/A Captain America [Bucky] 8
84 64 Karnak 8
84 50 Magik 8
84 166 Scarlet Witch 8
84 64 Stingray 8
84 104 Strong Guy 8
84 71 Thanos 8
92 166 Agent 13 7
92 123 Dagger 7
92 71 Grim Reaper 7
92 270 Kang 7
92 71 Kitty Pryde, Shadowcat 7
92 123 Night Thrasher 7
92 83 Sleepwalker 7
92 60 Snowbird 7
92 123 Swordsman 7
92 64 Toad 7
92 60 Triton 7
92 #N/A Warlock 7
104 64 Agent X 6
104 95 Batroc 6
104 270 Binary, Ms. Marvel, Warbird 6
104 #N/A Black Widow 6
104 104 Chamber 6
104 95 Constrictor 6
104 204 Hawkeye 6
104 139 Joe Fixit, Hulk 6
104 139 Moondragon 6
104 83 Nate Grey, X-Man 6
104 139 Scarlet Spider 6
104 60 Starfox 6
104 123 Sunspot 6
104 83 Vindicator 6
118 166 Anole 5
118 166 Baron Blood 5
118 139 Cloak 5
118 270 Doppelganger 5
118 270 Gwen Stacy 5
118 270 Mantis 5
118 44 Mimic 5
118 104 Morbius 5
118 64 Shaman 5
118 #N/A Slapstick 5
118 104 Ulik 5
118 204 Venom 5
118 #N/A Vision 5
131 #N/A Ant-Man 4
131 123 Armor 4
131 #N/A Bi-Beast 4
131 104 Chameleon 4
131 123 Exodus 4
131 83 Havok 4
131 270 Iron Fist 4
131 270 Juggernaut 4
131 83 Lilandra 4
131 123 Mystique 4
131 270 Nomad 4
131 270 Patch, Weapon X, Wolverine 4
131 104 Penance 4
131 123 Sebastian Shaw 4
131 270 Shuma Gorath 4
131 139 Siryn 4
131 104 Tiger Shark 4
131 166 Titania 4
149 139 Baron Mordo 3
149 139 Beak 3
149 166 Black Knight 3
149 166 Black Panther 3
149 166 Blade 3
149 204 Blizzard 3
149 204 Brother Voodoo 3
149 204 Bug 3
149 270 Bulldozer 3
149 #N/A Daredevil 3
149 139 Dust 3
149 204 Flag Smasher 3
149 #N/A Gladiator [Daredevil] 3
149 104 Ikaris 3
149 #N/A Iron Monger 3
149 204 Justice 3
149 #N/A Maria Hill 3
149 270 Nightmare 3
149 204 Nocturne 3
149 270 Pixie 3
149 139 Professor X 3
149 270 Rictor 3
149 166 Rocket Racoon 3
149 204 Rockslide 3
149 123 Sif 3
149 95 Speed 3
149 104 Spider-Girl 3
149 139 Spider-Man 3
149 204 Terror Inc. 3
149 204 Thunderball 3
149 204 Thunderstrike 3
149 #N/A Typhoid Mary 3
149 270 War Machine 3
149 204 Zzzax 3
183 166 Apocalypse 2
183 166 Avalanche 2
183 #N/A Bastion 2
183 270 Beyonder 2
183 #N/A Bob, Agent of HYDRA 2
183 104 Boomer, Boom Boom 2
183 270 Cable 2
183 139 Caliban 2
183 #N/A Corsair 2
183 204 Dark Beast 2
183 71 Death’s Head 2
183 139 Dr. Bong 2
183 270 Fantomex 2
183 95 Gargoyle 2
183 270 Green Goblin 2
183 95 Grey Gargoyle 2
183 #N/A Guardsman 2
183 270 Hammerhead 2
183 270 Hellfire Club Guard 2
183 #N/A Husk 2
183 #N/A Ironclad 2
183 #N/A Jack O’ Lantern 2
183 204 Jarvis 2
183 166 Jocasta 2
183 #N/A KIA 2
183 123 Kurse 2
183 270 Living Laser 2
183 270 Madcap 2
183 270 Magma 2
183 204 Marvel Girl, Rachel Summers, Phoenix 2
183 166 Maverick 2
183 #N/A Maximus 2
183 204 Mercury 2
183 #N/A Misty Knight 2
183 204 Moonstone 2
183 #N/A Morg 2
183 270 Night Nurse 2
183 204 Orphan 2
183 166 Outlaw 2
183 270 Owl 2
183 270 Piledriver 2
183 123 Pulsar 2
183 #N/A Sentry 2
183 104 Sersi 2
183 #N/A Shroud 2
183 139 Squirrel Girl 2
183 270 Stardust 2
183 166 Stepford Cuckoos 2
183 123 Stilt-Man 2
183 #N/A Super Adaptoid 2
183 270 Tombstone 2
183 204 U-Go Girl 2
183 139 Viper 2
183 83 Whirlwind 2
183 204 Wizard 2
183 204 Wraith 2
239 #N/A Abraham Whistler 1
239 2 Adam Warlock 1
239 270 Air Walker 1
239 204 American Eagle 1
239 166 Angel, Archangel 1
239 #N/A Arana 1
239 #N/A Argent 1
239 104 Armadillo 1
239 #N/A Aureus 1
239 #N/A Basil Elks Basilisk 1
239 #N/A Bengal 1
239 #N/A Beta Ray Bill 1
239 #N/A Blaastar 1
239 270 Blazing Skull 1
239 270 Blindfold 1
239 270 Boomerang 1
239 270 Box 1
239 270 Cannonball 1
239 166 Captain Marvel 1
239 #N/A Changeling 1
239 270 Ch’od 1
239 #N/A Chtylok 1
239 #N/A Chuck Norris 1
239 #N/A Classic 1
239 270 Clea 1
239 #N/A Cloud Nine 1
239 #N/A Cobra 1
239 #N/A Colleen Wing 1
239 204 Colossus 1
239 139 Cyber 1
239 #N/A Davos [Steel Phoenix] 1
239 #N/A Deacon Frost 1
239 #N/A Dead Girl 1
239 270 Destiny 1
239 #N/A Destroyer 1
239 204 Diablo 1
239 #N/A Diamondback 1
239 204 Doc Samson 1
239 270 Dr. Doom 1
239 139 Dr. Doom 2099 1
239 270 Dr. Octopus 1
239 270 Dr. Strange 1
239 #N/A Electro 1
239 270 Elixir 1
239 204 Emma Frost, White Queen 1
239 270 Energizer 1
239 #N/A Fallen One 1
239 166 Fandral 1
239 204 Feral 1
239 #N/A Fixer 1
239 204 Gamora 1
239 #N/A Gauntlet 1
239 270 Gee 1
239 #N/A Ghost 1
239 139 Goblin Queen 1
239 #N/A Gomurr the Ancient 1
239 270 Gravity 1
239 123 Hand Ninja 1
239 #N/A Hela 1
239 166 Hellion 1
239 #N/A Hellstorm 1
239 204 Hogun 1
239 270 Hulk 2099 1
239 #N/A Hulkbuster 1
239 #N/A Human Torch [Jim Hammond] 1
239 166 Iceman 1
239 #N/A Irene Merriweather 1
239 270 Jack Kirby 1
239 #N/A Kaine 1
239 #N/A Kick Ass 1
239 270 Kid Colt 1
239 270 Killraven 1
239 #N/A Kimodo 1
239 204 Kingpin 1
239 #N/A Kirigi 1
239 #N/A Kraven the Hunter 1
239 #N/A Kylun 1
239 204 Lady Deathstrike 1
239 #N/A Leader 1
239 204 Lightspeed 1
239 139 Lockjaw 1
239 #N/A Loki 1
239 #N/A Luna Maximoff 1
239 #N/A M 1
239 #N/A Madam Masque 1
239 270 Magus 1
239 #N/A Makkari 1
239 #N/A Man-ape 1
239 166 Mandarin 1
239 166 Marvel Boy 1
239 204 Mass Master 1
239 204 Mastermind 1
239 #N/A Meegan Alien 1
239 166 Meggan 1
239 #N/A Mephisto 1
239 #N/A Monet 1
239 #N/A Mr. M 1
239 #N/A Mutant 2099 1
239 #N/A MVP 1
239 204 Mysterio 1
239 #N/A Namor 1
239 270 Nightcrawler 1
239 204 Nimrod 1
239 #N/A Nitro 1
239 #N/A Nomak 1
239 #N/A Nth Man 1
239 #N/A Nuke 1
239 #N/A Ozymandias 1
239 166 Paste Pot Pete, Trapster 1
239 #N/A Phyla-Vell 1
239 204 Proteus 1
239 139 Prowler 1
239 #N/A Psyche, Moonstar, Mirage 1
239 #N/A Psylocke 1
239 204 Pyro 1
239 #N/A Quicksilver 1
239 #N/A Rage 1
239 #N/A Rattler 1
239 #N/A Ravenous 1
239 #N/A Red Ghost 1
239 270 Red Guardian 1
239 #N/A Red Shift 1
239 270 Revanche 1
239 #N/A Rick Jones 1
239 #N/A Russian, the 1
239 #N/A Sabra 1
239 270 Sabretooth 1
239 270 Scalphunter 1
239 #N/A Scarecrow 1
239 204 Selene 1
239 #N/A Shadowdancer 1
239 270 Shamrock 1
239 139 Shanna 1
239 #N/A Shelob 1
239 #N/A She-Thing 1
239 204 SHIELD Agent 1
239 #N/A Shiverman, the 1
239 #N/A Shroud, the 1
239 270 Sidewinder 1
239 #N/A Silhouette> 1
239 270 Silver Sable 1
239 #N/A Silver Savage 1
239 #N/A Sin 1
239 #N/A Speed Demon 1
239 #N/A Sphinx 1
239 #N/A Spiderman 1
239 #N/A Stacey X 1
239 #N/A StarBrand 1
239 #N/A Sugarman 1
239 270 Super Skrull 1
239 166 Surge 1
239 #N/A Surtur 1
239 #N/A Swan, the 1
239 #N/A Techno 1
239 #N/A Thena 1
239 #N/A Thunderbolt Ross 1
239 #N/A Toro 1
239 270 Trevor Fitzroy 1
239 #N/A Tusk 1
239 270 Two-Gun Kid 1
239 #N/A Ulki 1
239 #N/A ULTIMATUM Soldier 1
239 #N/A Venus Dee Milo 1
239 204 Vertigo 1
239 270 Void 1
239 204 Volstagg 1
239 #N/A Vought 1
239 204 Wasp 1
239 270 Wendigo 1
239 #N/A Werewolf 1
239 #N/A X-23 1
239 #N/A X-cutioner 1
Rank Last Top Ten Character Votes
1 1 Lockjaw 33
2 4 Titanium Man 26
3 2 Nimrod 25
4 3 Sauron 24
5 #N/A Goliath [Hank Pym] 7
5 5 Stature 7
7 #N/A Goliath [Erik Josten] 6
7 30 Shuma Gorath 6
7 10 Strong Guy 6
10 9 Armadillo 5
10 10 Super Adaptoid 5
10 13 Surtur 5
13 6 Black Goliath 4
13 8 Odin 4
15 30 Awesome Android 3
15 30 Giant-Man [Ultimate] 3
15 18 Groot 3
15 30 Sentinel 3
15 10 Shadow King 3
15 #N/A Thanos 3
15 30 Yellow Jacket 3
22 20 Atlas 2
22 20 Dormammu 2
22 #N/A Dragon Man 2
22 30 Eternity 2
22 20 Giant Man 2
22 17 Goliath [Clint Barton] 2
22 #N/A High Evolutionary 2
22 #N/A Iron Monger 2
22 #N/A Kurse 2
22 30 Living Tribunal 2
22 #N/A Super-Adaptoid 2
33 #N/A A-bomb 1
33 #N/A Abyss 1
33 #N/A Avengers Quinjet 1
33 #N/A Bastion 1
33 #N/A Caliban 1
33 #N/A Champion 1
33 #N/A Cobweb 1
33 7 Fin Fang Foom 1
33 30 Giant Phoenix Raptor 1
33 #N/A Godzilla 1
33 #N/A Hulk [Ultimate] 1
33 #N/A Jemiah the Analyzer 1
33 #N/A Juggernaut [Ultimate] 1
33 #N/A Kate Bishop 1
33 #N/A Kingpin [Ultimate] 1
33 #N/A Krakoa 1
33 30 Kree Sentry 1
33 #N/A Living Monolith 1
33 30 Master Mold 1
33 #N/A Mephisto 1
33 #N/A Micromax 1
33 #N/A Orka 1
33 #N/A Radioactive Man 1
33 30 Rockslide 1
33 30 Sasquatch 1
33 #N/A Stegron 1
33 13 Stilt Man 1
33 #N/A Strider 1
33 30 Sugar Man 1
33 #N/A Tenebrous 1
33 20 Ultimo 1
33 30 Ultron 1
33 #N/A Ursa Major 1
33 #N/A Venom [Ultimate] 1
33 30 Watcher, the 1