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DC Universe Classics: Series 2

dcuc.gifWelcome to the official Fwoosh DC Universe Classics Release Guide. In this topic you will find complete and accurate (to the best of our abilities) information on every character in every series of DCUC. We will feature release dates, figure information (including variant information, accessories, points of articulation and sculptors), and pictures. We hope that this will be a good resource to current fans of the line, potential converts and anyone wanting some background information on DC’s World’s Greatest Superheroes and Villains.

We will continue to update this thread as new information and series are released so check back often. Please remember: this guide is for YOU so if you have any questions, comments or condemnations let us know.

SERIES 2 (1st Quarter 2008)

{tab=Firestorm I}










Biography: High School student Ronnie Raymond and Physicist Martin Stein found themselves bonded at the atomic level when a terrorist bomb blew up Stein’s lab. Able to rearrange matter that the molecular level, Raymond and Stein’s united alter ego Firestorm battled injustice. While Ronnie was the physical body, Stein provided sage counsel and scientific advice as a disembodied spirit. 

    -First Appearance:
Firestorm #1 (First Series) (March 1978)
    -Real Name: Ronald “Ronnie” Raymond
    -Occupation: Super Hero
    -Base of Operations: JLA Watchtower on the moon
    -Special Abilities: Firestorm is able to fly and fire atomic blasts capable of rearranging inorganic matter at the molecular level.
    -Points of Articulation: 25 POA
    -Accessories: Atomic Blasts, “Right Leg” of Gorilla Grodd
    -Sculptor: Chris Dahlberg, Eric "Corn Boy" Mayse, Eric Treadaway


{tab=Aquaman I}

FIGURE 2: AQUAMAN I, King of Atlantis








Biography: Found abandoned, Prince Orin of Atlantis was raised in the ways of the surface world and renamed by lighthouse keeper Arthur Curry. But in the water is where young Arthur truly thrived. In adulthood he took the name Aquaman and used his aquatic abilities to patrol the Seven Seas. The Aquatic Avenger’s renown soon earned him a place among the newly assembled Justice League of America.

    -First Appearance:
More Fun Comics #72 (November 1941)
    -Real Name: Arthur Curry, Orin
    -Occupation: Former Monarch
    -Base of Operations: Sub Diego, Atlantis, The Oceans of the World
    -Special Abilities: Breathe underwater at incredible depths, super strong, swims at tremendous speeds, communicates with and controls undersea creatures.
    -Points of Articulation: 25 POA
    -Accessories: Trident, “Right Arm” of Gorilla Grodd 
    -Sculptor: Chris Dahlberg, Eric Treadaway, Jim Preziosi


 {tab=Aquaman II} 

FIGURE 2: AQUAMAN II, King of Atlantis (Modern)









Biography: Found abandoned, Prince Orin of Atlantis was raised in the ways of the surface world and renamed by lighthouse keeper Arthur Curry. But in the water is where young Arthur truly thrived. In adulthood he took the name Aquaman and used his aquatic abilities to patrol the Seven Seas. The Aquatic Avenger’s renown soon earned him a place among the newly assembled Justice League of America.

    -First Appearance:
More Fun Comics #72 (November 1941)
    -Real Name: Arthur Curry, Orin
    -Occupation: Former Monarch
    -Base of Operations: Sub Diego, Atlantis, The Oceans of the World
    -Special Abilities: Breathe underwater at incredible depths, super strong, swims at tremendous speeds, communicates with and controls undersea creatures.
    -Points of Articulation: 25 POA
    -Accessories: Trident, “Right Arm” of Gorilla Grodd 
    -Sculptor: Chris Dahlberg, Jim Preziosi


{tab=Harley Quinn}









Biography: An Arkham Asylum psychiatrist assigned to treat the Joker, Dr. Harleen Quinzel was instead driven mad by the Clown Prince of Crime and helped him escape. Nearly as insane as the Joker himself, Harley Quinn is a violent and unpredictable felon who will do anything to prove her love and loyalty to the Joker, her beloved. 

    -First Appearance:
Batman: Harley Quinn #1 (October 1999)
    -Real Name: Harleen Quinzel
    -Occupation: Former Psychiatrist, Professional Criminal
    -Base of Operations: Gotham City
    -Special Abilities: Above average intelligence, strength and stamina, hand-to-hand combat skills, gymnastic skills, wicked sense of humor.
    -Points of Articulation: 25 POA
    -Accessories: Mallet, Pop-Gun, “Head and Torso” of Gorilla Grodd
    -Sculptor: Eric Treadaway, Jim Preziosi


{tab=Superman Blue}









Biography: Superman’s awesome powers were sapped completely by the star-consuming Sun-Eater! An attempt to reinstate his superpowers transformed the Man of Steel into two energy beings: the rational Superman Blue and the hotheaded Superman Red! Eventually the equal-but-opposite Supermen were merged following a battle with the Millennium Giants. As the single Superman absorbed the ray’s of Earth’s yellow sun, he was restored to his superpowered-self.  

    -First Appearance:
Action Comics #1 (June 1938)
    -Real Name: Clark Kent, Kal-El
    -Occupation: Superhero, Reporter for the Daily Planet
    -Base of Operations: Metropolis
    -Special Abilities: Travel at light-speed via bolts of energy, able to see radiation wavelengths, change his appearance, create tractor beams, repulsing energy fields, or fuel a "Power-Punch"
    -Points of Articulation: 25 POA
    -Accessories: Energy Blasts, "Left Arm" of Gorilla Grodd
-Sculptor: Eric Treadaway, Eric "Cornboy" Mayse


{tab=Superman Red}










Biography: Superman’s awesome powers were sapped completely by the star-consuming Sun-Eater! An attempt to reinstate his superpowers transformed the Man of Steel into two energy beings: the rational Superman Blue and the hotheaded Superman Red! Eventually the equal-but-opposite Supermen were merged following a battle with the Millennium Giants. As the single Superman absorbed the ray’s of Earth’s yellow sun, he was restored to his superpowered-self.  

    -First Appearance:
Action Comics #1 (June 1938)
    -Real Name: Clark Kent, Kal-El
    -Occupation: Superhero, Reporter for the Daily Planet
    -Base of Operations: Metropolis
    -Special Abilities: Travel at light-speed via bolts of energy, able to see radiation wavelengths, change his appearance, create tractor beams, repulsing energy fields, or fuel a "Power-Punch"
    -Points of Articulation: 25 POA
    -Accessories: Energy Blasts, "Left Arm" of Gorilla Grodd
-Sculptor: Eric Treadaway, Eric "Cornboy" Mayse


{tab=Black Manta}










Biography: Black Manta engages in undersea crime in an attempt to conquer the world beneath the waves. However, Aquaman thwarts Black Manta at every turn, a conflict that has led to Black Manta’s murder of Aquaman’s infant son. Tiring of his constant defeats, Black Manta sold his soul to the demon Neron for greater power and was thus transformed into a true denizen of the deep. 

    -First Appearance:
Aquaman (1st Series) #35 (September 1967)
    -Real Name: Unknown
    -Occupation: Supervillain
    -Base of Operations: Devil’s Deep
    -Special Abilities: Above-average strength; relies on various aquatic vehicles and high-tech arsenals.
    -Points of Articulation: 25 POA
    -Accessories: Trident, Sting Ray, “Left Leg” of Gorilla Grodd
    -Sculptor: Eric Treadaway, Eric "Corn Boy" Mayse


{tab=Gorilla Grodd}










Biography: Gorilla Grodd is a hyper-intelligent telepathic super-villain with the power to control the minds of others. He is also, somewhat obviously, a gorilla. At one time he was nothing more than an average ape, but after an alien spacecraft crashed in his African home, Grodd and his troop were imbued with super-intelligence by the ship’s pilot. Grodd and fellow gorilla Solovar also developed telepathic and telekinetic powers. 

    -First Appearance:
Batman: The Flash #106 (May 1959)
    -Real Name: Grodd
    -Occupation: Super Villain
    -Base of Operations: Formerly Gorilla City
    -Special Abilities: Superhuman physical attributes, and vast psionic powers. Is able to make others do his bidding by using various mind-control devices.
    -Points of Articulation: 15 POA
    -Accessories: Mind-Control Helmet and arm attachments
    -Sculptor: Eric Treadaway


*This photo archive has been brought to you by Fwoosh sponsor Enchanted Toy Chest , your online source for DC Universe Classics.


dcuc.gifWhile it really has not been that long since Mattel’s inaugural series of DC Universe Classics hit the shelves, for a lot of us, the wait for series two has been lengthy and torturous. Well, Grodd and company have finally started to trickle into Target stores around the nation and persistence has paid off – we now have a set in hand to review and make your time without them seem even more difficult. Is the wait worth it? In one simple word – absolutely.
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