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Make My Marvel! – Jubilee

I feel like this one’s been a long time coming– and not just because some small-genitaled waste of space with more free time than deoderant screwed with the site.  No, this is a character that’s been in demand for several years now and still eludes the ML collector.  Let’s pop-flash some mofos gangsta-style with Jubilee.

Due to last weekend’s utter stupidness, we lost the Winter Soldier article and poll.  So, no results or links this week. 

Make My Marvel! – Jubilee

If there’s a character that epitomizes 90’s X-men, it’s Jubilation Lee.  An oprhaned mall rat with the ability to generate explosive energy sparks from her fingers, Jubilee fell in with the X-men at the tail end of the 1980’s.  She was also Wolverine’s sidekick for a number of years, but her main claim to fame came from her prominent role in Fox’s X-Men: the Animated Series.

Jubilee first fell in with the X-men when she followed several of them back to their Outback headquarters via Gateway’s portal.  She secretly set up camp in the facility’s underground tunnels.  Shortly thereafter, the X-men disbanded and left the place.  Wolverine didn’t get that memo and when he returned found himself nailed to a cross by the Reavers, the original tenants of the compound.  Jubilee helped him escape and the two set off to find the missing X-men.

Jubilee became a member of the X-Men’s blue team during Jim Lee’s run on X-Men.  Several years later, she became one of the founding members of Generation X, the 90’s version of the New Mutants.  Jubilee struck out in her own short-lived series before losing her powers on M-day.  Recently, she was held hostage by Omega Red.  During the inevitable battle between Red and Wolverine, Jubilee was severely wounded.  In exchange for medical aid for the girl, Wolverine surrendered to SHIELD.  Jubilee apparently got that aid, as she is now a field leader in the new New Warriors.  She was given gauntlets that give her super-strength and now goes by the codename Wondra.

Whichever version of Jubilee were to get the action figure treatment, she would have to be a new sculpt.  The Jim Lee and Generation X versions would need Jubilee’s trademarked yellow trenchcoat and pink shades.  The addition of snap-on plasma burst effects would be nice, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

After four waves of X-men, a Wal-Mart exclusive wave, and nearly 19 waves of Marvel Legends, how is Jubilee not a ML figure yet?  She was one of the most recognizable aspects of the X-Men’s most popular era.  She may not be a great character, but she’s certainly earned Legends status.

Which version of Jubilee would you prefer Hasbro make?

First appearance:


Jim Lee X-Men:

Generation X #1:

Generation X #2:

Generation X #3:




X-Men Legends:

As always, head over to the negative zone to vote in this week’s poll.  There you can also leave comments about this week’s article and post your suggestions for future MMMs!  Also, don’t forget to cast your vote for yout top ten ML wants in the Fwoosh’s official top ten poll:

Thanks for reading!