Welcome back to Demanded Characters, looking at the world of DC and what we want to see in the new toy line. This week, continuing with the theme of the Big 7 and their villains, we will take a look at Wonder Woman’s villain: Cheetah.
A quick update on our last Demanded Character: Captain Cold won hands down with about 75 percent of the vote
While looking at the Big Seven, picking their main villains is a hard task. This week we have one choice but plenty of looks to choose from. The Cheetah is a villain who has stood the test of time and been a thorn in Wonder Woman’s side for most of her history.
The first appearance of Cheetah was in the 1940’s, in the Wonder Woman book. Priscilla Rich was a socialite who, after failing to kill Wonder Woman at an event, went back to her room and was shocked when her reflection spoke to her. She went on to fashion a costume which was made from a cheetah skin rug. Rich would time and time again try to defeat the Wonder Woman of the time, Hippolyta, with no success. She would spend time in jail and eventually be killed by the modern Cheetah, Dr. Barbara Ann Minerva.
Dr. Minerva was a historian who sought out items for her own personal gain. While in Africa she met the tribe of the Urzkartagans. While they were performing a ritual they were attacked and after the attack Minerva forced the tribe to take her in and perform the ritual on her. She would gain the power of the Cheetah spirit which was blood thirsty, and would turn her body into a human sized female Cheetah. She would use this power to murder people to please the spirit inside. While on one of her rampages she slaughtered a group of Amazons and before she could continue her attacks, Wonder Woman stopped her. This got Cheetah’s attention, and gave her a new goal: to kill Wonder Woman.
Over time Minerva would reform, lose her powers, and finally get them back and gain more control, thus becoming a more deadly foe for Wonder Woman. She can be seen arguing with Lex and the Joker about new members to the Injustice Gang, showing her importance in the DC underworld.
Modern Cheetah as seen in the newest Wonder Woman book has two forms. She can maintain human form and has power over actual cheetahs, and turns in to a humanoid Cheetah, both wearing a black suit.
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