You asked, Mattel answered! A big thanks to the guys at Mattel and to all of you for submitting your questions. If yours was not picked you can try again or submit a new question for next time. Enjoy!
1. Have you guys ever thought of doing a "built a figure" for DCSH like Marvel Legends? Would a BAF for DC Superheroes be a possibility in the future?
MATTEL: This is a possibility, and something we have looked at. It really comes down to the demand from fans, as shown by the sales of the figures. If we were to do something like this, we would have to feel pretty confident that it’s something that the fans really wanted and that we would be able to make work in our line. Could we look at doing a poll or panel to find out the interest from fans and which characters fans would hope to see? -NOTE: Poll Here
2. Are more DCSH Two-Packs planned?
MATTEL: There are no more 2-packs planned for 2007, but it’s something we will look at again in 2008.
3. Many fans are concerned about the spotty distribution of DCSH. Many of the recent figures (Steel, Supergirl) have been extremely difficult to find at retail. Is anything being done to help even out distribution so that collectors can get the figures they want?
MATTEL: We definitely hear the fans’ concerns on this issue, and it’s an issue that we are working to correct for 2008. The challenge lies in balancing the sales that we could expect from the better known characters as opposed to the ones that many collectors want.
4. Can you give any details on the upcoming Battle League game? How are the figures incorporated? When will it be released?
MATTEL: We were very pleased with the fan response to the sculpts and awesome detail of this line. We are very lucky to have the 4 Horsemen as out partners on the lines that we do. As for Battleague itself, we will have some exciting news to announce about this line at Comicon.
Again, thanks to the busy guys at Mattel for taking the time!