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Marvel Top Ten Results – Summer ’06

The wait is over. I can finally stop hiding on the Marvel forums, and stop having to worry about being strangled by people waiting to find out who won cause the vote is done.

This time around we had the biggest voting turnout we’ve ever had nearly doubling the amount of votes last go around. The entire Fwoosh community came out in force to vote for what they wanted the most. The information compiled will be passed along to Hasbro, letting them know what us fan boys want the most.

The Winner is…




Let’s hear a few words from our winner… On second thought that may be a bad idea. Black Bolt just leveled the competition. These can be kind of close sometimes but Bolt had a very large lead over all other characters. He rose up from the number 5 position in the last vote to take the crown at number one. 121 people voted for Black Bolt

#2 Black Knight [100 votes]

Black Knight’s now the Avengers fans’ most wanted Avenger. Toy-Biz has done a phenomenal job getting us Avengers; it’s amazing so many have been made that someone like Black Knight is now the most wanted. Back in the old 5-inch days the Avengers had it pretty rough. The Black Knight was in 6th place last go round and has risen to be second best.

#3 Polaris [94 votes]

Coming in at number three just placing under Black Knight is Polaris the new most wanted X-Chick. The hard thing with Polaris if they make her is which costume to use. She’s never really had a super iconic specific look. The versions of Polaris were all over the place. Polaris was a big climber; she was in 14th place last vote and placed herself at #3 now.

#4 Jean Grey [85 votes]

The last member of the ultra iconic 90’s animated and comic X-Men. Of all the stuff in Marvel Legends, this incarnation of the X-Men is an automatic. Everybody from the team has been made, there is no doubt that as long as they make Marvel Legends they will finish the blue and gold teams. The vast majority of people want "Jean Grey" in her Gold team outfit. It’s interesting that Jean was pretty much the last member made in the 5-inch line and it seems to happen again. She and Jubilee are the only ones that have not been made. Jean was in the tenth last time.

#5 Nova [82 votes]

All votes were for the Richard Ryder Nova. He’s been hanging around the marvel universe since the 70’s and has had a lot of exposure lately thanks in part to the Annihilation story. Ol’ Bucket head scored 8th last go round and is now at #5.

#6 Sunfire [80 vote]

Sunfire rose 6 places from 12th to 6th in this vote. He’s one of the last members of the Giant Size X-men team, even though he never remained with the X-Men for long. There are two main wants for Sunfire: his classic iconic look, which is the costume he’s most recognized in and has worn the longest, and the Age of Apocalypse look which has a cult following for being so cool looking.

#7 Jubilee [60 vote]


A lot of people question how popular Jubilee would be if she hadn’t been on the X-Men cartoon. She’s gotten a very large amount of exposure from that, making her the other missing person besides Jean to finish the 90’s X-Men. She was in 17th place and is now in 7th, and all the other characters from here on out have to live with being beaten by Jubilee.

#8 Gladiator [59 votes]

Ouch, that’s gotta hurt Gladiator losing by 1. Now he’s got confidence issues. Gladiator had the biggest climb in the top ten characters, last vote he ranked 22nd this time he’s in 8th. Maybe all the propaganda on the forum worked for Mohawk Superman.

#9 Adam Warlock [58 votes]

Him fall down… Him was the only person in the vote to actually drop instead moving up. Him placed 7th in the last vote and has dropped down to 9th position.

#10 Silver Samurai [57 votes]

Rounding out the bottom is Silver Samurai. He climbed from 16th to 10th, just sliding into the bottom position.

Wait… It’s not over yet, we still have one more winner to talk about – the winner of the Build-A-Figure category. The BAF category’s harder to vote for this year. In the past it’s always been straight-forward giant characters, but now with BAFs shrinking it’s harder to determine what would be a BAF and what could be carded.

So anyway, the winner is …

Fin Fang Foom

He was voted #1 last vote as well. Everyone really wants the Foom meister. We know Toy Biz wanted to make one but was having problems with the whole cost of plastic rising so much. Maybe Hasbro can devise a way to get him to us.

Here are the complete results for both votes:

Single Figures Build-A-Figure
This Top Ten Last Top Ten Character Votes
1 5 Black Bolt 121
2 6 Black Knight 100
3 14 Polaris 94
4 10 Jean Grey, Marvel Girl, Phoenix 85
5 8 Nova 82
6 12 Sunfire 80
7 17 Jubilee 60
8 22 Gladiator 59
9 7 Adam Warlock 58
10 16 Silver Samurai 57
11 27 Dazzler 56
11 17 Tigra 56
13 15 Ultron 49
13 9 Valkyrie 49
15 22 Crimson Dynamo 45
16 22 Cannonball 44
17 41 Blink 43
18 54 Madrox the Multiple Man 42
18 21 Terrax 42
20 97 Namor 41
21 #N/A Guardian 40
22 19 Dormammu 39
23 34 Jack of Hearts 35
23 113 Warpath 35
25 32 Spiral 34
26 26 Northstar 32
27 22 Forge 30
28 37 Enchantress 27
28 74 Medusa 27
28 34 Taskmaster 27
31 67 Beast 25
32 43 Magneto 24
32 74 Mole Man 24
32 34 Wrecker 24
35 37 Nighthawk 23
36 20 Sauron 22
37 43 Firestar 21
37 50 Titanium Man 21
39 193 Crossbones 20
39 113 Puck 20
39 27 Thunderbird 20
39 #N/A Vindicator 20
39 84 Winter Soldier 20
44 74 Drax the Destroyer 19
44 139 Morph 19
46 113 Baron Zemo, Citizen V 18
46 27 Doc Samson 18
46 50 Quasar 18
46 74 US Agent 18
50 67 Crystal 17
50 193 Kate Bishop, Hawkeye 17
50 27 Rogue 17
50 84 Union Jack 17
54 84 Grim Reaper 16
55 #N/A Attuma 15
55 97 Darkhawk 15
55 84 Machine Man 15
55 50 Shang Chi 15
55 113 Snowbird 15
60 139 Aurora 14
60 113 Constrictor 14
60 74 Hellcat 14
60 54 Hyperion 14
60 48 Iron Man 14
60 54 Ka-Zar 14
60 113 Shaman 14
60 67 Shatterstar 14
60 54 Thanos 14
69 63 Klaw 13
69 97 Nate Grey, X-Man 13
69 74 Odin 13
69 50 Songbird 13
69 67 Stryfe 13
74 139 Gorgon 12
74 54 Mimic 12
74 74 Photon 12
77 139 Brood 11
77 67 Cyclops 11
77 84 Domino 11
77 139 Luke Cage, Power Man 11
77 139 Sleepwalker 11
82 139 Arnim Zola 10
82 84 Blastaar 10
82 67 Boomer, Boom Boom 10
82 63 Death’s Head 10
82 84 Holocaust 10
82 #N/A Ronan the Accuser 10
82 #N/A Shanna 10
89 54 Beetle, MACH-1, MACH-IV 9
89 41 Dagger 9
89 193 Dr. Doom 9
89 84 Firelord 9
89 113 High Evolutionary 9
89 113 Mockingbird 9
89 63 Scarlet Witch 9
89 139 Toad 9
97 #N/A Armadillo 8
97 37 Cloak 8
97 193 Exodus 8
97 193 Moondragon 8
97 97 Siryn 8
97 113 Triton 8
97 84 Wendigo 8
104 54 Daredevil 7
104 113 Doppleganger 7
104 74 Gargoyle 7
104 193 Hawkeye 7
104 113 Karnak 7
104 54 Kitty Pryde, Shadowcat 7
104 139 Maverick 7
104 63 Meggan 7
104 #N/A Rom 7
104 113 Sage 7
104 193 Starfox 7
104 97 Swordsman 7
104 193 Venom 7
117 67 Agent X 6
117 193 Black Cat 6
117 #N/A Black Tom Cassidy 6
117 97 Chamber 6
117 43 Havok 6
117 43 Marvel Girl, Rachel Summers, Phoenix 6
117 #N/A Nemesis 6
117 113 Patch, Weapon X, Wolverine 6
117 139 Radioactive Man 6
117 97 Ronin 6
117 139 Sebastian Shaw 6
117 193 Speedball 6
117 139 Stature 6
117 #N/A Stilt-Man 6
117 84 Strong Guy 6
117 #N/A Talisman 6
117 139 Tiger Shark 6
134 #N/A AIM Henchman 5
134 #N/A Blizzard 5
134 139 Box 5
134 84 Count Nefaria 5
134 193 Lilandra 5
134 84 Lockjaw 5
134 #N/A Madcap 5
134 193 Magik 5
134 74 Mr. Hyde 5
134 97 Psyche, Moonstar, Mirage 5
134 113 Rictor 5
134 #N/A Stingray 5
134 #N/A Viper 5
134 193 Wonderman 5
148 #N/A Baldur 4
148 #N/A Cassandra Nova 4
148 #N/A Dark Beast 4
148 #N/A Dr. Bong 4
148 193 Executioner 4
148 139 Fantomex 4
148 #N/A Gravity 4
148 97 Grey Gargoyle 4
148 #N/A Hydra Henchman 4
148 97 Invisible Girl, Invisible Woman 4
148 97 Joe Fixit, Hulk 4
148 139 Magma 4
148 #N/A Marrina 4
148 #N/A Misty Knight 4
148 139 Morbius 4
148 #N/A Mystique 4
148 193 Nick Fury 4
148 #N/A Nightmare 4
148 113 Scarlet Spider 4
148 193 Sersi 4
148 #N/A Silver Surfer 4
148 #N/A Speed 4
148 193 Spider-Man 4
148 37 Storm 4
148 #N/A Sunspot 4
148 193 U-Go Girl 4
148 #N/A Vulcan 4
175 139 Baron Mordo 3
175 #N/A Bucky 3
175 #N/A Callisto 3
175 139 Carnage 3
175 #N/A Deadpool 3
175 #N/A Deathbird 3
175 193 Destiny 3
175 #N/A Diablo 3
175 4 Emma Frost, White Queen 3
175 139 Feral 3
175 #N/A Ghost 3
175 193 Ghost Rider 3
175 139 Green Goblin 3
175 #N/A Hellion 3
175 193 Hulk 2099 3
175 113 Husk 3
175 #N/A Ikaris 3
175 #N/A Iron Monger 3
175 193 Jocasta 3
175 113 Justice 3
175 193 Mary Jane Watson 3
175 139 Molecule Man 3
175 193 Nimrod 3
175 #N/A Shuma Gorath 3
175 139 Silver Sable 3
175 193 Son of Satan 3
175 139 Stepford Cuckoos 3
175 #N/A The Captain 3
175 #N/A Titania 3
175 #N/A Tombstone 3
175 74 Typhoid Mary 3
175 193 Void 3
175 #N/A Wild Child 3
175 139 Wizard 3
175 97 Wolfsbane 3
210 193 Absorbing Man 2
210 193 Angel, Archangel 2
210 97 Apocalypse 2
210 #N/A Aunt May 2
210 #N/A Baron Blood 2
210 #N/A Basilisk 2
210 139 Batroc 2
210 #N/A Beak 2
210 193 Bi-Beast 2
210 #N/A Bishop 2
210 139 Blade 2
210 #N/A Blazing Skull 2
210 193 Bug 2
210 139 Cable 2
210 #N/A Cardiac 2
210 97 Chameleon 2
210 113 Colossus 2
210 139 Cyber 2
210 #N/A Deathlok 2
210 97 Destroyer 2
210 193 Dreadknight 2
210 #N/A Dust 2
210 113 Elektra 2
210 193 Fixer 2
210 #N/A Flag Smasher 2
210 #N/A Foolkiller 2
210 #N/A Guardsman 2
210 #N/A Hand Ninja 2
210 #N/A Jessica Jones 2
210 139 Kang 2
210 #N/A Karma 2
210 113 Kurse 2
210 #N/A Lady Deathstrike 2
210 #N/A Lifeguard 2
210 #N/A Lightspeed 2
210 #N/A Living Mummy 2
210 #N/A Loki 2
210 #N/A Mad Thinker 2
210 #N/A Madelyne Pryor 2
210 193 Madman 2
210 #N/A Magus 2
210 113 Marrow 2
210 139 Mastermind 2
210 #N/A Moonstone 2
210 #N/A Nitro 2
210 193 Nocturne 2
210 #N/A Paste Pot Pete, Trapster 2
210 193 Pyro 2
210 #N/A Rick Jones 2
210 #N/A Sif 2
210 139 Spider-Girl 2
210 139 Stan Lee 2
210 193 Terror Inc. 2
210 48 Thor 2
210 193 Vision 2
210 #N/A Volstagg 2
210 193 Warstar 2
210 #N/A Whirlwind 2
268 #N/A Abyss 1
268 #N/A Agent 13 1
268 193 Air Walker 1
268 #N/A Alpha Flight 1
268 #N/A American Eagle 1
268 139 Anarchist 1
268 #N/A Angel Salvatore 1
268 139 Antman 1
268 #N/A Arabian Knight 1
268 #N/A Arana 1
268 #N/A Ares 1
268 #N/A Atlas 1
268 #N/A Awesome Andy 1
268 #N/A Banner 1
268 #N/A Bastion 1
268 139 Ben Reilly 1
268 193 Ben Urich 1
268 #N/A Beta Ray Bill 1
268 #N/A Beta Ray Wade 1
268 #N/A Beverly Switzer 1
268 #N/A Beyonder 1
268 #N/A Black Lash 1
268 #N/A Black Night 1
268 #N/A Black Swan 1
268 #N/A Blackout 1
268 193 Blaze 1
268 193 Bloodaxe 1
268 #N/A Bloodhawk 1
268 #N/A Boomerang 1
268 #N/A Brother Voodoo 1
268 #N/A Bruiser 1
268 #N/A Brute 1
268 #N/A Bulldozer 1
268 #N/A Bullseye 1
268 193 Bushmaster 1
268 193 Caliban 1
268 139 Captain America 1
268 84 Captain Britain 1
268 139 Captain Marvel 1
268 193 Captain Universe 1
268 #N/A Centennial 1
268 139 Champion 1
268 #N/A Chronok 1
268 193 Clea 1
268 #N/A Cobra 1
268 #N/A Colleen Wing 1
268 #N/A Crimemaster 1
268 193 Darkstar 1
268 #N/A Deacon Frost 1
268 #N/A Devil Hulk 1
268 193 Diamondback 1
268 #N/A Donald Pierce 1
268 #N/A Douglock 1
268 #N/A Dr. Strange 1
268 #N/A Drake 1
268 #N/A DreadNaught Robot 1
268 193 Echo 1
268 #N/A El Diablo 1
268 #N/A Energy 1
268 #N/A Erik the Red 1
268 #N/A Ethan Edwards 1
268 #N/A Fallen One 1
268 #N/A Fandrill 1
268 #N/A Fin Fang Foom 1
268 #N/A FirePower 1
268 #N/A Flagsmasher 1
268 #N/A Flatman 1
268 193 Foggy Nelson 1
268 #N/A Forbush Man 1
268 #N/A G.W. Bridge 1
268 193 Gamora 1
268 #N/A Gee 1
268 #N/A Gert 1
268 #N/A Giant Man 1
268 #N/A Goliath 1
268 #N/A Graviton 1
268 #N/A Grizzly 1
268 193 Gwen Stacy 1
268 193 Hela 1
268 #N/A Hepzibah 1
268 2 Hercules 1
268 #N/A Hobgoblin 1
268 #N/A Human Cobra 1
268 #N/A Iceman 1
268 139 Immortus 1
268 #N/A Iron Duck 1
268 #N/A Ironclad 1
268 #N/A Jack Kirby 1
268 #N/A Juston Seyfert 1
268 #N/A Kaine 1
268 #N/A Kane 1
268 #N/A Kid Colt 1
268 #N/A La Lunatic 1
268 #N/A Lady Sif 1
268 #N/A Leap-Frog 1
268 #N/A Lilith 1
268 #N/A Living Laser 1
268 #N/A Lizard 1
268 #N/A Lucy in the Sky 1
268 #N/A M 1
268 139 Maggot 1
268 #N/A Major Mapleleaf 1
268 #N/A Mammomax 1
268 193 Mandarin 1
268 #N/A Mandrill 1
268 #N/A Marvel Boy 1
268 #N/A Mass Master 1
268 #N/A Master 1
268 #N/A Maximus 1
268 #N/A Mikhail Rasputin 1
268 #N/A Moon Knight 1
268 #N/A Morlun 1
268 193 Mr. Fantastic 1
268 #N/A Mr. Sinister 1
268 #N/A Mutant 2099 1
268 #N/A Namorita 1
268 193 Nomad 1
268 #N/A Nuklo 1
268 #N/A Ord 1
268 #N/A Outlaw 1
268 #N/A Owl 1
268 #N/A Peter Parker 1
268 #N/A Peter Wisdom 1
268 #N/A Phat 1
268 #N/A Pile Driver 1
268 #N/A Pip the Troll 1
268 #N/A Power Princess 1
268 #N/A Pretty Boy 1
268 #N/A Professor X 1
268 193 Prowler 1
268 193 Psycho Man 1
268 #N/A Pulsar 1
268 193 Puma 1
268 139 Punisher 1
268 #N/A Puppet Master 1
268 193 Purple Man 1
268 #N/A Rawhide Kid 1
268 #N/A Rebel O’Reilly 1
268 #N/A Red Guardian 1
268 #N/A Red Wolf 1
268 #N/A Ricochet 1
268 193 Rocket Racer 1
268 #N/A Russian 1
268 193 Sabretooth 1
268 #N/A Sandman 1
268 #N/A Sasquatch 1
268 #N/A Scalphunter 1
268 #N/A Scorpion Venom 1
268 #N/A Shadowdancer 1
268 193 Shard 1
268 #N/A Shocker 1
268 #N/A Sin Eater 1
268 #N/A Skin 1
268 #N/A Slipstream 1
268 #N/A Speedfreek 1
268 #N/A Spider-Woman 1
268 #N/A Spitfire 1
268 #N/A Spymaster 1
268 193 Sugar Man 1
268 #N/A Super Skrull 1
268 #N/A Surge 1
268 #N/A Tana Nile 1
268 139 Tarantula 1
268 139 Thing 1
268 193 Thornn 1
268 #N/A Thunderball 1
268 193 Titan 1
268 #N/A Tony Stark 1
268 #N/A Toxin 1
268 #N/A Typeface 1
268 #N/A Tyrant 1
268 193 Ulik 1
268 #N/A Vanisher 1
268 193 Vertigo 1
268 #N/A Volcana 1
268 193 Wasp 1
268 #N/A Willie Lumpkin 1
268 #N/A Wyre 1
268 #N/A X-cutioner 1
268 #N/A Yellow Claw 1
268 #N/A Zabu 1
268 193 Zzzax 1
This Top Ten Last Top Ten Character Votes
1 1 Fin Fang Foom 51
2 #N/A Sauron 24
3 #N/A Nimrod 20
4 10 Lockjaw 19
5 #N/A Titanium Man 18
6 #N/A Stature 13
7 #N/A Armadillo 11
8 5 Atlas 9
8 #N/A Strong Guy 9
10 7 Black Goliath 7
10 #N/A Holocaust 7
12 10 Aragorn 6
12 #N/A Box 6
12 #N/A Odin 6
15 10 Eternity 5
15 4 Goliath 5
15 15 Quinjet 5
15 #N/A Super Adaptoid 5
15 #N/A Wendigo 5
20 8 Living Monolith 4
20 15 Shadow King 4
22 #N/A Awesome Android 3
22 15 Bi-Beast 3
22 15 Celestial 3
22 #N/A Goliath [Clint Barton] 3
22 #N/A Juggernaut 3
27 #N/A Brood Queen 2
27 #N/A High Evolutionary 2
27 15 Living Tribunal 2
27 #N/A MOE Goliath 2
27 2 Onslaught 2
27 #N/A Phoenix Effect 2
27 15 Shuma-Gorath 2
27 15 Surtur 2
27 #N/A Ultron 2
27 #N/A Watcher 2
37 #N/A Absorbing Man 1
37 #N/A Apocalypse 1
37 #N/A Black Celestial 1
37 #N/A Brood 1
37 #N/A Champion 1
37 #N/A Ch’od 1
37 #N/A Crimson Dynamo 1
37 #N/A Demon Bear 1
37 #N/A Doombot 1
37 #N/A Gargoyle 1
37 #N/A Giant Phoenix Raptor 1
37 #N/A Grandmaster 1
37 #N/A Griffin 1
37 #N/A Growing Man 1
37 #N/A Hydro Man 1
37 #N/A Kingpin 1
37 15 Kree Sentry 1
37 #N/A Krobaa 1
37 #N/A Lilandra 1
37 #N/A Machine Man 1
37 10 Master Mold 1
37 #N/A Monolith 1
37 #N/A Multiple Man 1
37 #N/A N’Astirh 1
37 #N/A Sentinel 1
37 #N/A Shuma Gorath 1
37 #N/A Spider Slayer 1
37 #N/A Stan Lee 1
37 #N/A Stilt Man 1
37 #N/A Sugar Man 1
37 #N/A Tenebrous 1
37 15 Terminus 1
37 #N/A Terror Inc. 1
37 #N/A Ultimate Giant Man 1
37 15 Ultimo 1
37 #N/A Urkel-bot 1
37 #N/A X-Jet 1
37 #N/A Yellow Jacket 1

So that’s it for this vote. I’d like to thank all the voters, it was a great turnout. Maybe we can do even better next year. And I’d also like to thank SamuRon for always helping me tabulate the vote.

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