Ok folks, the marvel board had their monsters box set, and now i get to give away something albiet probably alot less wanted than that.
Sota was kind enough to send this extra akuma to me along with other figures for a review, and since i didnt feel the need to open him and review him i felt he’d be better as a prize in a contest.
Rules are very simple:
You must be a registered user to enter.
Only users living within the united states. (sorry)
This threads not for discussion just putting in your entry so please keep it simple.
Heres how to enter:
Simply post the name of Ibuki’s pet Racoon as seen here in this pic with Fei Long!
If you dont know it, wiki it (i did) or wait till someone who does know it posts it then just copy paste, please dont make guesses, only post if you know the name. All you have to do is post the name and i will take your entry thats it!
Entry is open till Midnight Friday April 14th. Thats next friday, so should be plenty of time to enter. I’ll randomly select a winner and send them the above pictured akuma, its that simple.