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Marvel Legends Archives: Series 8 Review

Toy Biz Marvel Legends Series 8 Man-Thing featured

Welcome to the official Fwoosh Marvel Legends Archives. In this topic you will find complete and accurate (to the best of our abilities) information on every character in every series of Marvel Legends. We will feature release dates, figure information (including variant information, accessories, points of articulation and sculptors), and links to pictures in the Fwoosh Archive (as they become available). We hope that this will be a good resource for current fans of the line and anyone wanting some background information on Marvel Comics Greatest Superheroes and Villains.

This guide is an on-going work-in-progress. We will continue to update the guide as new information, picture availability and series are released so check back often. Please remember: this guide is for YOU so if you have and questions, comments or condemnations let us know.

Marvel Legends – Series 8

Ultimate Captain America

Ultimate Captain America! Finally! It’s the figure that we’ve all been waiting for! Actually many collectors are left confused with this choice as Ultimates are appearing in Marvel Select and the sudden appearance of Cap in Marvel Legends left us saying… huh? But the figure is solid and looks really sharp! A fantastic new sculpt and definitely one of the better ones we have in a while. Tons of articulation to boot this is a great figure. Except that his head is small. Like really small.

Ultimate Captain America (World War 2 Version)

Toy Biz released a fantastic variant to go along with their Ultimates Captain America, World War 2 Ultimate Captain America. In truth this figure doesn’t look a heck of a lot like the Cap from the comics and I think was more of an excuse to release a Cap with wings on his head like his “616” version. It’s a good figure for those looking to have an updated Cap in their Avengers display.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 42
Base/Accessories: Shield, Circular Base w/ Action Stand Arm
Production Year: 2005

Ultimate Captain America (Factory Mis-paint)

I’m certain there is a reason for this entry but I cannot remember why.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 42
Base/Accessories: Shield, Circular Base w/ Action Stand Arm
Production Year: 2005


Finally! Another of the Original 5 X-Men has made it into ML. Let’s see that’s Beast, Jean Grey, and Iceman. Now we just need Angel and Cyclops. Iceman is sporting a new buck for Marvel Legends and it’s chock full of articulation. I think the sculpt suffers a bit from the articulation but all in al it’s a great look for Iceman.

Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 40
Base/Accessories: Iced Over Defeated Sentinel Hand Base
Production Year: 2005


Never in my life did I expect that Man-Thing would be released into Marvel Legends. A fantastic creature of the Marvel Universe and collector favorite this is a huge must have. And the sculpt is off the charts amazing! It’s perfect! the articulation that is packed into this figure is another thing of beauty coming from Toy Biz.

*Update June 2014*

Original Pictures

Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 37
Base/Accessories: Circular Swampland Base
Production Year: 2005

Doc Ock

An unusual entry into Marvel Legends as most Spider-man characters are usually released into Spider-man Classics. Nevertheless, we are ecstatic that Doctor Octopus is finally getting some plastic love. This is a great figure! Fantastic sculpt! Excellent articulation! And the arms! The Ock Arms! Fully poseable rubber arms over a wire frame.

Sculpted by: Phil Ramirez
POA: 61
Base/Accessories: Tangled Web Base, Removable Bendy Tentacles
Production Year: 2005

Modern Iron Man

Another popular armor made it into Marvel Legends. While this isn’t the collector demanded Neo Classic armor it is the current armor in Iron Man and Avengers comics. It’s another beautifully sculpted figure and is loaded with articulation. Like Ultimate Captain America, the head sculpt is a bit on the tiny side. Seems pinheaded Marvel Legends are in.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 44
Base/Accessories: Removable Mask, Melted Wall Base, with defeated Ultrons
Production Year: 2005

Black Widow

Yes! No! Gah! Black Widow is another hugely demanded character from collectors. And while are all excited to have her, there are reservations. She’s sporting the popular Elektra buck with new hips, and it seems off. I’m not certain why they didn’t stick with the Phoenix buck at the time. These new hips are an improvement over Elektra but seem to be worse than Phoenix. And the head sculpt seems to be lacking the same quality of previous head sculpts.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 40
Base/Accessories: Circular Widow Symbol Base w/ Action Stand
Production Year: 2005

Black Widow (Blond Version)

This is the new edgy Black Widow who is a blond. The figure is just the same as the other Black Widow with a different head sculpt. This head seems to be a bit sharper.

Sculpted by: Dave Cortez
POA: 40
Base/Accessories: Circular Widow Symbol Base w/ Action Stand
Production Year: 2005


Finally Storm! While there is a huge demand for Storm in her Giant Sized costume, many collectors are content that there is a Storm that matches the Jim Lee look. She’s a fantastic figure and Toy Biz needs to figure out how to use this base figure for all their females going forward!

Sculpted by: Steve Kiwus
POA: 27
Base/Accessories: Clouds; Lightning Base
Production Year: 2005