We found the Key. Now we’re gonna “tear thish playsh apaaaart!”
Guess what? If you do not like the 1987 Masters of the Universe movie, you are just dead wrong. Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. It is a scientific fact and if you are wise enough to be down with science, you get your babies vaccinated and you like the MOTU movie. The story of the movie is just another take on, and another adventure for, He-Man and his pals and so many things from the movie hold up, and actually get better with time.
Of course, Frank Langella’s turn as Skeletor is one of the very best things that has ever been done in the history of ever, but I am also very partial to the “new” characters that were introduced in the movie, even if they were probably stand-ins for established characters, at least at first. However, those great characters gradually took on lives of their own with further toy and comic inclusions in the 1980s and in the MOTU Classics line of today. However, if you are a fan of the movie, and by now you ought to realize that you should be, you know it can be a bit of a sore spot, especially in the realm of the Classics line.
See, Mattel does not all-out own the rights to the movie, those stand with Warner Brothers. So, while Classics is working to incorporate every part of MOTU legend possible, there are some limitations when it comes to the film. See, Mattel cannot make original characters or actor/character likenesses resembling those in the movie without license from Warners. That is, unless the character had a figure in the vintage 1980s line. So, while Blade and Gwildor are already resting comfortably on our shelves, and Saurod will likely be unveiled next month at Toy Fair, nothing else from the movie is open to the line officially, at least at this point. In the past we have heard the now-departed Toy Guru remark that the license to the movie is far too expensive for the Classics budget so the likelihood of gaining said license is pretty slim. At least for now.
So, that leaves us with a bit of an issue, yes? While I am fairly okay with not getting a He-Man that is the spitting image of Dolph Lundgren (the Langella Skeletor would be cool, though), it makes me sad anytime I am denied an original character. However, not one to sit on the sidelines when it comes to getting the toys that I want, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands, at least with one character that is very near and dear to me.
As you know, Fwoosh Friend and mega-talent Mat O’Toole (aka, Zombihamma; aka, The Castle of Power), possesses the amazing combination of being both an amazing artist and a Masters of the Universe fan. I am positive you know his work as we have featured several of his offerings on the site before. So, I felt very fortunate when he decided to undertake the challenge to get us one of the movie characters that Mattel does not currently have license to: Karg!
Ah, Karg, creepy as hell in the movie and so enigmatic because he has never had a figure. As a kid it baffled me why Blade and Saurod got figures (and awesome ones at that) and Karg did not; in fact, I am still baffled by that fact, but that should not stop us from having the de facto leader of Skeletor’s invasion mercenaries. He is very interesting in terms of design and as a kid, if any of the guys from the movie were going to scare me, it was Karg. I had no idea what he was, really, save for being the Trap Jaw stand-in, but he is like bat creature with the a bouffant that would make the entire decade of the 1970s blush.
What Mat has put together is a head that is compatible with the Masters of the Universe Classics body and captures Karg perfectly while giving him that Classics feel. The work obviously speaks for itself and as you can see in the pictures, all of the disgusting details have been rendered fantastically. The head is cast in a strong white resin and Mat has painted him up nicely, so this kit is literally “plug and play” and you are ready to go. The best part is that Karg is going to be available immediately from the Castle of Power Facebook page. Just check out the “About” section to place your order.
Plus, if you have an extra Optikk lying around, you are pretty much there for the base figure. I am, by no means, a talented customizer, so there is no sculpting involved with the bast figure either. I just added the Palace Guard armor and boots, swapped the left hand for an extra Trap Jaw hook and added a King Grayskull cape. Add a bit of paint and you are there, so it is REALLY easy to make your very own Karg. I am sure there are other part combinations that can be used and those that can do a bit of sculpting will surely bring his body close to movie accuracy, but I think this fits him pretty well.
So, while I never say never in terms of what we might get in the formal MOTU Classics line, I think Karg will be a pretty tough “get” due to the licensing. Once again though, Mat has us covered and his Karg kit is just perfect for any MOTUC collection. It is taking a village of talented customers like Mat, Jim Pansen Creations and Joe Amaro, but we might have a pretty fleshed to movie collection when all is said and done, even if most of the characters don’t come right from Mattel.
So, what are you waiting for? Head on over the CoP Facebook page and order your Karg now. I really cannot recommend it enough and if you are a fan of the movie (like you should be), your Classics collection will not be complete without this piece.
Special thanks to Mat for letting us roll out his latest piece, and I cannot wait to see what he has up his sleeve next. If you have never ordered from him, check out some of the other pieces he has available, they are all awesome. Oh, and stay tuned right here later this week, we will have another Castle of Power feature for you!
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