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More S.H. Figuarts Star Wars Captain Phasma, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Stormtrooper

Bandai Tamashii Star Wars SH Figuarts Captain Phasma Featured

Promotional pictures are fine and dandy, but there is just something about seeing upcoming figures in a display case. No fancy backgrounds, just the figure to promote itself. And these Star Wars S.H. Figuarts are looking awesome.

Another Akiba Showroom display. At first I thought this was the same as the one from last week but then I noticed this one has Obi-Wan from The Phantom Menace and both the Stormtrooper and Phasma from The Force Awakens. Color me stoked.

I guess I haven’t noticed that Phasma’s helmet is more bucket-like than the usual Stormtrooper helmet. The bottom doesn’t curve in and under, instead flaring out and just stopping. More like a knight’s helmet. I dig it.

Captain Phasma hasn’t went up for pre-order yet, but I am impatiently waiting.

The First Order Stormtrooper is already up for pre-order, and seeing it behind glass makes me antsy.

I also already have an Obi-Wan order secured. These shots show just how detailed his costume is, and that the gold hair may be making another appearance but toned down on top of a brown basecoat.

Maul’s Sith Speeder also makes another appearance. We still don’t know a lot about this. It’s again displayed with a separate placard than the Darth Maul in front of it, so wild guess at this point is that it will be a standalone item down the road. Others have noted that in order for it to be accurate Maul would need his hooded robe, so maybe that will be an option. That’s just pure speculation and wishlisting on my part though.

Bandai Tamashii Star Wars Akiba Showroom SH Figuarts Darth Maul Speeder

via toho.seesaa, where you can see more pictures

16 thoughts on “More S.H. Figuarts Star Wars Captain Phasma, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Stormtrooper

  1. AMEN Brother!! BBTS are straight turning into Ebay scalplers with some of these American licensed Figuarts. I haven’t paid over $40 for any of the Age of Ultron Figuarts (with the exception of Hulk since he was like $60 MSRP) because I didn’t throw in with BBTS.

  2. I get that. Yea, I’d be pretty surprised if they end up using a metallic wash for Han from a New Hope (which I’ve only seen one picture of so far so not sure if that’s final product or not). It’s a line that seems to get better with each figure release. Stormtrooper was ok, Vader was better, Luke was even better. Darth Maul looks like he’ll be great, Kylo Ren and First Order Trooper look good too. I’m hoping at some point this line starts doing obscure Star Wars characters after all the important ones. I need an S.H. Figuarts Nien Nunb or Dengar.

  3. I’m not understanding the use of metallic paint for the hair on unarmored figures. Like, it works for Luke… But if they don’t tone it down on characters with darker hair, that’ll be a big bummer. I get that they’re aiming for the sheen of hair, but I think I’d prefer dull colors instead.

    Still, I’m loving this line. I hope it continues for a long time.

  4. Not sure what you mean by retain. Ordering from Japan is no different than anywhere else, just gotta keep an eye on the currency conversion. That, and shipping is higher and takes a little bit longer, of course. But I’ve done all of my ordering through Amiami and the only difference delivery-wise is that I have to go to PO and sign for my package. But that’s probably because I ship EMS, the fastest and trackable, and probably requires a signature.

  5. Nope! I kind of panicked and doubled my order in a different store, just in case they stop selling Figuarts too, like it happens with Bandai model kits (in case you’re not aware, seems that Bandai license is just for Japan distribution, and they have enforced retailers to stop selling them out of Japan). In case all goes well, I might sell the extras, or just keep them, still don’t know. As for the Scouts, yeah, the BS are good enough. I was carefully comparing the pictures of the Figuarts one with my Hasbro and Bandai, and didn’t see anything that made me want it more than what I already have. Black Series is actually my favorite with this figure. And $119 is too much.

  6. Hi guys, for someone new to ordering from Japan, how do I proceed? What happens if the us post office retains my shipment?

  7. Strongly do I agree with this.
    Beautiful they are.
    Pair of Scout troops,very expensive indeed.
    Two x two good ones I have.
    No more do I need.
    (I’m happy with my 2TBS Shadow Troopers Blackhole B.Scouts and 2 standard B.Scouts)
    I want those metallic three!(as long as it’s proper one12 scale)
    Ooh Shiny!?
    Let me guess:you buy two to keep one moc?
    And the other to dis+play with??

  8. Don’t buy them at sites like BBTS or Amazon, that would be the last resort if you haven’t PO’d the S.H.F figures. Japaneses websites like hobbylinkJapan, anime-export, and etc.

  9. I’ve not found any of the sh figuarts star wars figures in this upcoming series for that cheap. Where’d you find them that cheap?

  10. Those are beautiful. I’ve preordered 4 troopers and 2 of each of the other figures (Kylo Ren, Darth Maul, Obi-Wan, Clone Trooper and Battle Droids). The only one I’m iffy about is the Scout Trooper, which is $119 plus shipping, and that’s like a lot for a figure I already have two good versions. I can’t wait for Phasma and C-3PO & R2.

  11. They run between $70-$100 depending on where you get them. Bigbadtoystore has them for $84 right now. The pre-orders sell out fast.

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