Ghost Rider was part of the Hasbro Marvel Legends Terrax Series. There are actually two versions of this character: one with a blue head (reviewed here) and another with an orange head. I’d love to tell you that I understand the significance of this, but I can’t. What I can tell you is that, from a character perspective, I love Ghost Rider. He’s another one of those classic ’70s characters whose comics I read in my local drug store, convenience store, and grocery store magazine isles while idling away the time. His recent appearance in Thunderbolts is great as well!
This review will be short and sweet as Johnny Blaze and Dan Ketch will be covered in their own entries since the Ketch Ghost Rider appeared in ToyBiz Marvel Legends Series 3 and the Blaze Ghost Rider appeared in ToyBiz Marvel Legends Series 7. Regarding this version? I would research it, but I can’t be bothered, it’s a look that isn’t all that appealing and, to be honest, I am about the looks first, then the character, but as I can’t get past the looks, I can’t be bothered to find out who this is.
That said, the figure is based on the Hasbro Marvel Legends 2-packs featuring Elektra and Ronin. The figure is a base Ronin with a new head, new forearms, new knees, new lower legs, and some armor. It’s a good figure; a good, solid base; and the new parts look great. But it’s too much, too busy, and too “World of Warcraft” for World of Warcraft’s sake. The figure was more interesting for the Terrax part rather than just being Ghost Rider itself. I’d love to have an updated classic Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider or a modern version. The old Ghost Rider movie figures came close but those… hips.
The articulation is standard fare for the figure, nothing to complain or not complain about. Breakdown:
Hinged ankles
Swivel ankles
Double knees
Swivel thighs
Ball hips
Swivel waist
Hinged abs
Ball shoulders
Swivel biceps
Double elbows
Swivel wrists
Hinged wrists
Hinged neck
Swivel head
The figure does not come with a Motorcycle, and if there is one character that MUST come with a vehicle, it’s Ghost Rider. I get there is only so much space in the box, but, really, we need a bike for this guy.
Add him to your collection or not; it’s up you. This seems to be a one-shot look for Ghost Rider and one that hasn’t stuck in the comics. But if you need him, you can get him at: