Amidst todays, um… challenges (?) with Matty Collector, we bring you the latest round of answers from the source.
1. What’s great about the 4 Horsemen’s design of Teela is that they worked on sculpting an amazing Teela figure (and Evil Lyn and Sorceress given the parts), rather than an amazing female buck. The recent decision to use her is the only female buck for now presents obstacles. With the potential tallness issues of the females now that I see Adora standing as tall as He-Man, as well as the need to repurpose the torso and hip articulation, would Mattel reconsider a newly-designed female buck down the line? I do not know what She-Ra or Horde women will make the cut, but Teela wasn’t designed for such expansive use. A nice shorter height adjustment sooner than later would be greatly appreciated.
The basic female buck (under the Teela armor, which has been repainted for a few appropriate figures) is actually pretty universal. As more females come out, we think you’ll see just how well designed they really are!
2. Since the MOTUC Trap Jaw includes parts to make Kronis, and Keldor seems to be hinted at via accessory from the Gallery 1988 show, are Tuvar and Baddrah consideration as separate figures, maybe in a ahem, TWO-pack? We know that Two-Bad will be coming a some point, but the inclusion of his/their previous forms would be a lot of fun.
Tuvar and Baddrah could definitely be figures on their own but no plans right now to announce!
3. Is Wondergirl from DCUC 13 an all new female buck or is she reuse from the previous female bodies?
She is the first of our teen female figures!
4. Has there been any further discussion about the Golden Age Hawkman and Hawkgirl two-pack? Now that we actually have a few Golden Age JSA members in our collections (and hopefully more on the way), I think interest would be much higher now than it was when the set was originally solicited.
We would love to get to these figures in time, but the two-pack series had to be dropped. No work was completed. (i.e. they figures were never sculpted).
5. Would you consider doing finishing touches to the original Batman the animated series line that Kenner and Hasbro did in the 90s? What i mean is — some of the few remaining characters they didn’t get to like Detective Bullock, Rupert Thorne, Renee Montoya, and Mayor Hill?
We actually do have some figures from Batman the Animated series and Superman the Animated series planned for the JLU line in 2010! Just who they are remains to be seen…
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