Yeah. Just so you know, February is going to be a big month for Masters of the Universe Classics fans on Matty Collector. Following up Adora and Battle Armor He-Man (both fantastic figures in their own right) comes a trio of MOTU characters that are as Classic as they come. We already gave you a look a the amazing Battle Cat bonus figure and we just learned that Man-at-Arms will be joining the mix as the re-issue. However, to balance out all of the goody-goodies comes Skeletor’s resident “tin head” (as he calls him) – Trap Jaw. Holy moly, here comes Trap Jaw. Oh, and Kronis for that matter!

For a lot of people, Trap Jaw is their favorite MOTU character – and rightfully so, he has such a great character design and even though Mer-Man was my favorite Master, Trap Jaw was certainly up there. Well, he is now all the way there now as he is simply the best MOTUC figure yet (leaving Battle Cat out of the equation, I am still not sure which one I like better). Seriously, I took this figure with me to work today because I just could not put him down. Yeesh, I am not even sure where to start with this one, there is so much to like and to talk about that composing sentences is a little difficult for me right now, I can’t put him down. But, I am going to try just so you know what expect, past what you see in the pictures.

First, this is not one figure, it is two. Packaged with Trap Jaw are all of the parts needed to assemble Kronis – his visage before he was handed a royal beat down and then reassembled by Tri-Klops. I remember seeing Kronis for the first time in the 200x MOTU cartoon and thinking it was really cool to get a bit of backstory on Trap Jaw; well now, that can be recreated on your toy shelf. So yeah, I am going to need two of these figures so I can show off both forms, especially since Keldor was hinted at at the recent Gallery 1988 showing.

The Kronis head and arm and be quickly assembled onto the body and the shoulder guard is easily removable. UPDATE: I actually did not have the Kronis arm assembled into the socket correctly before, it fits in fine and lines up with the shoulder and the other arm. My apologies for not noticing this before!

The Kronis head is appropriately sneering and it is interesting that Trap Jaw’s green face was a result of his dismemberment as he formerly has matching blue flesh. It is also cool to see helmet prior to alteration – Kronis was not sliding down any strings in a major act of ambush – the top loop is missing. Evolution, baby. Also, the arms have a really nice metallic paint on them in addition to his flesh blue (it in itself has a touch of pearlescence to it) as well as sculpted mechanical detail.
Now, Kronis is pretty cool for an intergalactic bounty hunter, but one horrible, disfiguring fight later, and TRAP JAW is just so much cooler. Like his MOTUC brethren that came before him, this figure expands on every little detail that made the original great, then adds things to make it even better. I will start with the head – Trap Jaw is positively batpoopy crazy. His eyes are insane, wide open, bright yellow with this tiniest pupils. He is not to be messed with. Then there is the (fully articulated) jaw. This one simple point of articulation makes Trap Jaw so expressive. Depending oh how it is positioned, he can go from scary-mean, to crazy to almost cutely mischievous grin. You can also see the mess of a mouth he has left behind that metal mandible, no detail left unturned by the Four Horsemen.

Of course his mechanical arm is a great throwback to the original, the best part is that is has a lot more detail and a lot more articulation than the 1980s figure (the 200x version still wins out in the total mech-detail category). He has his three attachments – gun, clamp (hinged) and hook. Remember, Trap Jaw is fully armed and ready for combat so when one attachment is deployed the other two can be stored on his big belt loops. As you can imagine, Trap Jaw is made up of mostly new parts but Mattel has already capitalized on the new pieces (May’s Optikk will use the legs at least).
I know, this is a pretty fast rundown, but hopefully the pictures speak for themselves. Trap Jaw is such a fun figure, you can tell the Four Horsemen had a ball sculpting him, and you will not be able to put him down once you have him. Really, I am going to probably take him to work with me again tomorrow. He is just so much fun, and, in my opinion, the most detailed MOTCU figure yet. I cannot wait for my subscription figure to ship so that I can display both Kronis and Trap Jaw. So, in essence, Trap Jaw is TWO fun figures. Nice.

If you are a Club Eternia member you will be getting TJ automatically in February. If not (or if you think you might want another one) be sure to be on Matty Collector right at noon EST on 2/15. It is going to be an insane day, so take the day off if you have to. Trust me, Trap Jaw (and Kronis) are well worth it.

*Thanks so much for reading and again, thanks to Toy Guru and Matty for rushing old Tin Head to us, we really appreciate it. Good journey!
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