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CC17: Jim Lee’s X-men



After Jim lee Started drawing X-Men in small doses here and there, filling in for regular artist, He gain HUGE popularity in the eyes of X-Men fans every where. This eventually led to his take over of the book 2 years later in 1991 with a new series simply titles X-Men. As artist and Co-Writer Lee came up with some duds for the Team that defined the look of the x-men for mine and many other x-men reader generation. The first book sold 8 Million copies and is still the #1 best selling comic of all time. This 10 figure set was created to celebrate Jim lee and his amazing artistic vision. Enjoy


I have always wanted to have a PERFECT Jim Lee X-Men Set, and in my eyes this it. I created to 10 figures that I still needed for my set, and now it is perfect and complete. I put of making this for a log time but thanks to the discovery of a customizer named Double Dealer I was finally motivated to make it. As you can see I use alot of ideas from 2D with my own spin, so I want to than you 2D for the Great inspiration. I hope you all enjoy my set as much as me, I personally think its my best work yet. You can see more WIP pics at my website




More images:


Name: Kyle Robinson 
Jim Lee’s Cyclops
~ ML Face Off Punisher body
~ XMC Cyclops head
~ Arm & leg straps from Sinister cape strips, then sculpted on detail.
~ Sculpted belt buckle and the pouches are from 2 tasm master belts.
~ Chest traps completely sculpted with X cut of a storm figure.
Jim Lee’s Jean Grey
~ ML F4 Box Set Sue Storm Base
~ DCD Hush Poison Ivy Head Retooled
~ Sculpted Leg, upper arm, & wrist padding as well as for head emblem.
~ Shoulder pads made from Darice Foimies Sheets.
~ Belt Buckle cut off a storm figure
~ Glued & sculpted over bicep swivel.
~ Shaved down fat neck
Jim Lee’s Gambit
~ ML Face Off Punisher body
~ Moon Knight thighs
~ Ml Gambit’s lower legs, knees, hands, head, and upper chest suit piece.
~ X Movie Cyclops jacket and arms, Sculpted shoulder straps and collar on lower pieces then glued on upper collar from 90 gambit jacket.
~ Cards made from retooled Ml gambits cards.
~ Steel Staff made from Home depot steel dowel. 
~ Sculpted detail on waist


Jim Lee’s Rouge
~ ML F4 Box Set Sue Storm Base
~ Ml Rouge lower legs and arms
~ DCD Hush Poison Ivy Head Retooled
~ Retooled and sculpted upper boot tops.
~ Headband from Long shot’s bag strap.
~ Lengthened belt so it can be worn cooked.
~ Cut the X’s off HML Zorn’s arms and glued them on Ml rouge jacket then painted them.
~ Crafted flight stand from Home Depot Steel dowel and one of my bulk clear stands.
~ Glued & sculpted over bicep swivel.
~ Shaved down fat neck
Jim Lee’s Archangel
~ ML Face Off Punisher body
~ XMC Archangel head
~ Crafted winds from comic book backing card stock then sprayed silver then made lines with ruler and sharpie.
~ Crafted flight stand from Home Depot Steel dowel and one of my bulk clear stands.
Jim Lee’s Psylocke
~ ML F4 Box Set Sue Storm Base
~ Retooled head SHE figure

~ FITIT Sculpted most the hair but the back end came from ML Psylocke.
~ Glued & sculpted over bicep swivel.
~ psychic knife made from 90’s Ninja Psylocke’s extendable knife. It connects to back of hand with peg and hole.
~ Sword from Sin City Miho, repainted handle
~ Shaved down fat neck
Jim Lee’s Iceman
~ XMC Iceman base
~ belt made from sinister cape strip and section of bullseye belt for the buckle
~ Repainted
~ ice blast made from plastic beads, apoxie sculpt and broken crystal Christmas ornament.
Jim Lee’s Jubilee
~ ML Psylocke Base figure
~ Sculpted hair, boot tops, chest logo, jacket arms, and shorts
~ Belt  made from sinister cape strip
~ Goggles from XMC BOP Angel (retooled)
~ Wrist From XMC Cyclops, Hands from ML Spider Woman
~ Ear Transplant from another figure, earings from chain link.
~ Jacket from 90’s gambit, removed portion from back to make skinnier, then added detail from XMC Night Crawler belt.
~ Fire Work from left over Piece of 90’s Psylocke knife.
~ 3 Details on shirt from XMC Air wolvie arms.
Jim Lee’s Forge
~ ML Face Off Punisher body
~ Dr. Strange head Retooled
~ Head band made from Long Shot’s bag strap and psylocke’s sash
~ Sculpted boot tops
~ Metal Leg from Deathlok 
~ Right leg strap from sinister cape strips and sculpted detail, left leg pouch from bulls eye
~ Belt made from Sinister cape strips, random pouches, tack head for buckle and rope from task master
~ Belts and bag from fodder box (all removable
~ Guns from FO punishers.
Jim Lee’s Storm
~ ML F4 Box Set Sue Storm Base
~ ML Storm Base, head, shoulder pads, XMC Storm Cape
~ Hands from XMC Storm the dremeled to match thickness of Sue’s
~ Glued & sculpted over bicep swivel.
~ Shaved down fat neck
~ Earings cut from comic book backing card stock.