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CC17: Green Lantern Corps Series 4



 The Green Lantern Corps were created by the Guardians of the Universe as a police force to protect the universe. The Guardians divided the universe into 3600 sectors with two Green Lanterns protecting each sector. With their power rings, the Green Lantern Corps is a force to be reckoned with. The Green Lantern Corps: Series 4 is being produced to accompany the Green Lantern Corps comic book series and the animated series. The fourth series of action figures consists of six Green Lanterns from across the universe and a special mail in 7th Green Lantern figure.

Agassiz is the Green Lantern from the planet Harlech in Sector 532.2. 
 Duse is the Green Lantern from the planet B’dungeon in Sector 101.1.
Talbot is the Green Lantern from the planet Lupus in Sector 333.1. He was pulled from The Green Lantern Corps Series 3 due to production problems. He is the mail in figure for five proof-of-purchase bar codes from the Green Lantern Corps Series 4 figures.
M’Carthy is the Green Lantern from the planet Lompoc in Sector 1692.1.
Kartz is the Green Lantern from the planet Sebago in Sector 1872.2.
Adalius is the Green Lantern from the planet Zebia in Sector 2999.2
Colimus is the Green Lantern from the planet Verlaine in Sector 3003.1.

Green Lantern Corps: Series 4
By Jeffrey T. Zverloff
[email protected]

        He was made from a Tomar Re figure with a head and neck swap from a
        Star Wars Greedo figure. I had to make a spacer to raise the head and
        He was made from a Green Lantern figure with a head swap from a Star
        Wars Snaggletooth figure. I used some body putty to sculpt some hair over
        his bald spot.

He was made with a first generation John Stewart body with a head swap
        from a Star Wars Cantina figure.

        He was made from a Tomar Re figure with a head and neck swap from a
        Star Wars figure. I cut of the Jedi rattail off of his head.
He was made from a Ben Ten Diamondhead figure. I cut off the back of his head and the protrusions from his back. I sanded down the Ben Ten symbol on his chest. I filled the back holes and bodylines with body putty. The power ring is made from body putty. I painted his body with the influence of Kyle Rayner’s first costume from the Green Lantern comic book series and the standard animated series one. The Green Lantern symbol I downloaded and resized it was from Casimir’s website.
        He was made from a Tomar Re figure with a head and neck swap from a
Star Wars figure. I drilled out the circles on the end of the snout for nostrils. I also removed the wings from the Star Wars figure. I drilled holes in the GL body and glued the wings pins into the figure.
He was made from a Green Lantern Kilawog figure with a head swap with a Star Wars Ambassador figure. I pulled off the SW’s figure’s earflaps and replaced them with a set of ears from an old Toy Biz Green Goblin. I
used body putty to fill in around the new ears.