The Exiles are a group of heroes and villains collected from the many worlds of the Marvel Multiverse, they work to correct the timeline.
Beak: Introduced in Grant Morrison’s New X-Men, Beak saves the timeline by his ability to make friends.
Blink: Leader of the Exiles, Blink comes from the Age of Apocalypse, with strong ties to Sabretooth. Blink’s costume changes from panel to panel, so I picked my favorite elements and made my own.
Mimic: Mimic possesses the ability to duplicate the powers of five mutants at a time, at half-strength. Here, Mimic is mimicking Wolverine, Colossus, Angel, Cyclops, & Beast.
Morph: The only member of the team to remain until the current issues, Morph is, naturally, a shape-shifter. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – thanks to Industrial & NORM for the idea/recipe.
Nocturne: The daughter of Nightcrawler and Scarlet Witch, Nocturne has the ability to possess others.
Thunderbird/War (James Proudstar): Previewed here is the next in the Exiles line of figures, Thunderbird, one of Apocalypse’s Horsemen.
Also present for comparison and display are ToyBiz’s AOA Sabretooth, Psylocke, Longshot, Sasquach, and Spider-Man 2099.
Muldertp’s Customs
Head: Marvel Legends 9 Professor X with Apoxie and dental toothpicks.
Body: Cassidy from DC Direct Preacher
Shoulders/Biceps: Spider-Man 2 Doc Ock
Forearms: Marvel Legends X3 Beast
Hands: Marvel Legends Dracula
Legs: Spider-Man 2 Doc Ock
Head: Fantastic Four Movie Alba Invisible Woman
Hair: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Willow
Collar: Bullseye collar chopped up & Apoxie dots
Body: Marvel Legends 11 Scarlet Witch
Arms: Charmed Series 2 Phoebe
Skirt: Marvel Legends 11 Carved-up Scarlet Witch cape
Belt: Marvel Legends 14 Psylocke sash & Apoxie dots
Tallus: Charmed Series 2 Bracelet & Apoxie sculpt
Quiver: Apoxie sculpt
Spikes: Dental toothpicks
Head: Marvel Legends 10 Angel & Apoxie
Body: Marvel Legends 10 Angel
Arms: Marvel Legends 10 Mr. Sinister
Lower Legs: Marvel Legends 10 Mr. Sinister
Wings: Marvel Legends 10 Angel
Hands: DC Superheroes Superman & Apoxie
Claws: Apoxie & Dental Toothpicks
Head: Marvel Legends 9 Professor X
Head: Marvel Legends 3 Wolverine
Body: Marvel Legends 10 Cyclops
Cape: DC Superheroes Superman
Collar: Marvel Legends 9 Bullseye Collar with Apoxie Dots
(Thanks to Indy & NORM for the Recipe)
Head: Charmed Alyssa Milano
Hair: Glued-on thread
Body: Charmed Series 2 Paige
Hands: X-Men Ultimate Nightcrawler
Feet: X-Men Ultimate Nightcrawler
Thunderbird/War (James Proudstar) Prototype Head:
Head: Marvel Legends 10 Mr. Sinister with Apoxie