From VIRulent Studios, the folks who brought you Soccer Mom the board game and Rocket Socket, comes the first in a series of DC action figure made with YOU, the fans, in mind.
Keep in mind, the product managers and employees of VIRulent Studios were never into the "comic" scene. We remember some cartoon when we were a kid, but other than that we here at VIRulent Studios are fairly unfamiliar with the characters we are producing. But the truth is the fastest way to comic enthusiast’s heart. We wanted to clear that up.
In fact, we have never produced an action figure before. It was quite the learning experience. Before any media outlets ask (Questions through email will be accepted on the third Thursday of every alternating month, 3PM-3:15PM CST), no we did not visit store shelves to view samples of other companies work. That would be unprofessional. Yes it would be.
VIRulent Studios….where the truth HURTS!
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First up…The Blue…Guy. Able to…look like a bug. That is a bug right? It may have been from one of those Mummy movies. So yeah, he’s a mummy fighter! Cast into ancient Egypt by an experiment gone wrong, Fred Cord finds himself in an era of evil and sorcery. Armed with nothing but his insect instinct he must fight for a better tomorrow…today! Or yesterday. The present. HIS present.
Blue Guy, the Mummy Fighter
Next up, Batman! Our research shows that every DC assortment needs a Batman, so here he is. Able to see in the dark by echo-location, this feared Knight of the Night is the bane of all criminals in Bat City. Ladies watch out though, because by day he’s millionaire Playboy owner Deuce Dwayne!
Robin met with production delays when all calls to Casey Kasem were not answered.
Third in our fine assortment,…Gold…Star…dude. Gold Star Dude is the hero to children throughout the land. Rewarding good behavior while protecting the weak, no harm shall befall a minor while he is on the case. Available for school functions and picnics.
Gold Star Dude
Hey, we know this one! Flash! Gifted with the…gift..of speed, the Flash is always there to stop evil. If we remember right, he can also fly. Now that’s a powerful superhero!
Familiar…Pinkerton Bulldoginus was enlisted for the greatest fighting army the universe has ever seen, the Green Lantern Brigade! The last of a long line of fighting pink bulldogs, Pinkerton went on to become a force to be reckoned with as…
Pinky the Green Lantern
And hey, to keep Pinky on a short leash, it’s the real Green Lantern! Possessing a green ring of unimaginable green power, Cal Jordan gave up his life to defend the galaxy from tyranny. Only allowed to return to Earth to fight alongside his Super Friends he brings truth and justice to planets near and far.
The Green Lantern
"In light of day or black of night, I’ll kick anyone’s butt who comes in sight! In a fight, my spandex is tight, cower in fear before Green Lantern’s might!"
Last up, it’s everyone’s favorite Batman enemy. He looks kinda like a cat, kinda like the Bat, he’s CatBat! Batman’s evil clone from a future alternate dimension twice removed from reality, somewhere on 43rd and Vine in Evil Bat City, CatBat comes with only one thing in mind….DESTRUCTION! Obsessed with Batman, while unfortunately being an altered color mirror image, he claws at his own chest to remind himself. The Bat must die.
Blue Beetle, Kilowog, and Booster Gold by V, the Vigilant
Blue Beetle
DCSH Superman
DCD COIE Flash Head
Apoxie Sculpt, rubber bands, googly eyes
ML Bullseye pouch
DCSH Superman
DCD COIE Flash Head
Apoxie Sculpt, rubber bands, googly eyes
ML Bullseye pouch
Booster Gold
DCSH Kal-el
Apoxie Sculpt
ML 1st Appearance Hulk
FFC Thing Boots
DCD Kilowog head
Apoxie Sculpt
Batman, Flash, and Green Latern by I, the Indescribable
Hush Batman head cast
ML Faceoff FA Punisher body
ML4 Punisher boots & gloves
ML8 Ultimate Captain America belt
MS Dr Doom cape
DCSH Batman cowl & glove spikes
ML1 Captain America head
ML15 Captain MArvel body
ML2 Human torch forearms & hands
HML1 Banshee boots
DCD Flash ear wings
Green Lantern
DCD Hal Jordan Green Lantern head & ring
ML9 Bullseye body
ML10 Angel gloves
ML7 Vision boots
Catman by R, the Reanimated
DCSH Series 3 Batman
ML Vision head
Spider-Man Hobgoblin cape
No disrespect meant to the characters displayed. We love them just as much as you do, it’s why we made them!