Not to sound like a broken record, but I can’t say it enough. Damn it, McFarlane Toys, ya did good.
It’s not really hard to get me to buy an action figure if there is even a hint of nice articulation. Sculpt and paint is a little more apparent from pics and even in a store, looking at the figure in the package. It’s not until you free it from it’s cardboard prison do you experience it’s true posing potential. We saw the promise of great movement with the Fortnite line of figures but it wasn’t until now that we realize….wow. Just wow. Above and beyond.
Skull Trooper’s movement isn’t perfect. The hips kind of slam against the hip piece and there is some oddness in the shoulders. But both of those sticking points (BAM!) can be managed with a strict diet and antibiotics. No, kidding, they can be overcome with a little force. Which we all know doesn’t usually mix nicely with a Toddy Mac toy. This action figure is different, just like Cuddle Team Leader. Sturdy. Pretty. Limber.
Yeah, I also feel like we’re in some alternate universe.
I may have said it already but the company has me foaming at the mouth for more figures from a property that I know nothing about. I think that’s really all I have to say. It’s an odd sensation, yearning for something other than Star Wars or Marvel. Something not pulling nostalgic heartstrings. Something I don’t plan on diving into. I just want to bask in it’s plastic glory and leave it at that.