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1000Toys: ROBOX Basic Review

By now everyone knows that I love to get my hands on quirky and strange 1/12 scale action figures, 1000Toys ROBOX Basic fits that bill 100%. 1000Toys is known for their TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human, now let me introduce you to ROBOX.

ROBOX is a design that comes from the Korean designer Kim Jung Ji, many of you have probably seen his videos of teaching art by drawing on a large whiteboard. He is known for being able to draw completed drawings without sketching or reference material; there’s probably a name fo this type of gift, but it’s not critical the point. The dude has mad skills and a vivid imagination and can create magic from his mind to his fingers. ROBOX is one of these works of magic.

1000Toys took this design and ran with it, creating another amazing piece of plastic for collectors to enjoy. If you haven’t picked up a Synthetic Human, do so, these are great fun, tons of articulation and look amazing. As does ROBOX!

Standing a true 1/12 scale or true 6 inches tall, ROBOX is a beautifully designed, engineered and manufactured action figure. It’s beautifully designed form is a piece of art and looks amazing on my shelves. ROBOX can easily blend throughout my action 6 inch action figure collection, whether it’s other 1000Toys, S.H. Figuarts, figma, 3A or other 1/12 lines. But it’s fun on it’s own, based on the art on the back of the box, and some of variants shown at recent shows this figure has the potential to have a world of it’s own. But that doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t be cool to see it take on some Zombs.

ROBOX has a ton of articulation, I haven’t counted all the points, and I won’t list them, but the combination of ball joints and hinge joints placed through the figure give the robot an amazing amount of movement. Which is necessary as Basic seems to be made for military use, it will need to pose like a beast. All the articulation also helps ROBOX fold into… a… box. Yes ROBOX is a a play on words, a ROBOT that transforms into a BOX. Great for mass storage, mass transport and mass deployment.

There aren’t a lot of extras, a shield and 2 guns. The guns fit nicely in the hands and store on the thighs The shield fits on the arms and stores on the back. There are no other extras, this is a very simple action figure. In fact the box itself is a simple cardboard box with many words simple colors and some line art.

I want more of these. I don’t know if I want more Basics, or I want to delve into the other colorways, or the variants. I know I want more. The “basic green army man” aspect to the Basic has me wanting a fire team to fight other toys in various scenarios. What I’m getting at, is, that, you too are going to want to pick up ROBOX Basics to have them swarming your shelves.

You can get ROBOX Basic today at:
