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Hasbro: New Marvel Legends Thor and Marvel Knights Promotional Images

Hasbro is changing it up this year, holding a Google Hangout with members of the online action figure news community to reveal a few new figures from both the Marvel Legends Thor and Marvel Knights waves. So stoked!

First off, let’s see the teasers for the Thor Legends wave…

There’s Jane Foster Thor, who is a re-release of the SDCC boxset version but with a powered down Mjolnir.

Next is another reuse, Odinson. The left arm and head is different, and a shirt is painted on the torso.

Then….Ares. It looks to reuse the old Build-A-Figure mold, but this pic isn’t labeled BAF like another BAF down below. The figure sports updated paints though and as hard as it is to come across these days I can see some people who missed it the first time being pretty happy. Also, the leg articulation has been updated, giving the figure rocker ankles.

Then there is the Marvel Knights Legends wave. We saw Jessica Jones and Punisher at last year’s SDCC while Daredevil and Elektra was announced at Toy Fair.

And here I was keeping the BAF a surprise, but the carded shots kind of blow that, huh? Well, that and my header image. Shush.

To finish off the wave is Blade…

And Bullseye…

The Hasbro team mentioned that the unmasked screaming head has an actual tongue and tonsils sculpting in there. I needs it, my precious!

And does that alternate left hand look familiar?

You’re welcome.

Finally, the BAF is Man-Thing, looking bigger and thicker than the old Toy Biz version.

The torso piece is a rubber overlay, just like the original! I’m super happy to be getting a new Man-Thing since mine was lost to time (and an exacto knife) but the size and proportions give me ideas for another possible use, with some resculpting…

C’mon Hasbro, you know you wanna.