After teasing us last week with the S.H. Figuarts Justice League Batman Tamashii Nations now brings us a full look at the figure. And it looks amazing!
But we knew that. There’s something about seeing more pictures though, you know what I mean? More angles, more poses, more accessories. Mmmmmm.
It has the bulk. The look. The articulation. I’m going to have to get this even though I’m not the biggest fan of the DC movies. Granted, I haven’t seen Wonder Woman yet. But of what I have seen, I’m pretty happy with Affleck as Batman. Hence, I’ll be grabbing this.
JL Batman comes with just a few accessories and no alternate heads. Weird. The usual hands though. But the cape is cloth and looks fantastic for this scale.
The S.H. Figuarts Justice League Batman comes out in November and will run you about $55-$60.
How about a brooding, smokey, backlit shot to take us out….