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Bandai Japan: Movie Realization Ronin Boba Fett

IMG_2113 (1024x678)Every Star Wars line worth the title has to have a Boba Fett figure, regardless of shape, style, or design. So it was only a matter of time before Bandai’s Star Wars Movie Realization line put out a Boba Fett redesigned into the samurai aesthetic. In fact, it only took three figures; that’s how cool Boba Fett is.

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So far, I’ve been extremely impressed with the previously released Stormtrooper and Darth Vader. They’ve managed to take very science fiction-styled armor and translate them sideways into visually interesting and immediately identifiable figures that look like the coolest samurai movie ever made. Boba continues that trend with yet another faithful redesign. Boba, of course, has been re-imagined as a ronin in this samuraizing of the property, which is as fitting as can be.

Throwing a feudal Japan overtone on everything means that Boba ‘s armor retains familiar touches and yet is tweaked in all the obvious ways. He comes through with his jet pack intact, which may seem to butt heads with the samurai aesthetic, but I tend to see this take on the Star Wars world as having all the science fiction tech with the design of the feudal era, like how Masters of the Universe is technologically advanced but run through a sword-and-sorcery blender.IMG_2107 (496x800)

Once again, the sculpting is fantastic across the entire figure, from individual plates of armor to all the various textures, from leather to fabric to metal. His helmet retains the essence of Boba fett but is unmistakably altered with Feudal-era touches that root the core design in another era. And that range finder does swivel down, for aiming.IMG_2108 (590x800)

His color palette features a slightly pastel take on the familiar Fett colors, which works very well with the design. His paint is clean and very slick, and while he’s not as weathered and battle-damaged as the regular Boba Fett usually is, he does feature a handful of points of interest, including what could be a bullet or blaster mark on his torso armor.IMG_2109 (418x800)

There are flexible parts mixed with harder plastic parts where necessary, so despite the craziness of his armor his articulation isn’t as impeded as it would seem. He gets a full range of motion in his knees and elbows, and he gets a full range out of his shoulders as well. His hips are the most restricted of all the articulation points but calling them restricted is overstating the problem, as he still manages to pull off a ton of poses. His wrists and ankles are ball-jointed, so he can hold his weapons and pose flatfooted in all manner of poses as well.

His torso has a swivel near the waist, and one segment of his armor is flexible and goes overtop of the torso section, which hides a lot of his motion. In fact, most of his articulation points are well-hidden by various components of the armor, so he looks pretty sleek.

For accessories, he comes with a feudalized version of Boba’s signature rifle, with a very wood-and-metal redesign. I mentioned his rocket pack, which is removable if you’d prefer him without. He also comes with a sword and scabbard that attach to his side.IMG_2117 (800x693)

The coolest of his accessories (to me, at least) are the six daggers of various types that actually attach: five at his ankles, and one on the back of his wrist to replicate his wrist-mounted rocket launcher. Each blade is unique, and the fact that all of them can be mounted ups his badass quotient exponentially. It will take a bit of effort to snap them in place and they each have their own specific spot, but he looks great fully loaded.

He comes with a large assortment of extra hands, including fists, trigger-finger hands, sword-holding hands, gripping hands, and slightly wider holding hands for the scabbard or his gun. Each hand pops off easily, so you’ve got a lot of great options for how you want your Boba.IMG_2121 (800x733)

Boba is another great entry into the Movie Realization line. If you’re all-in like me, he continues the strong pattern set by the Trooper and Vader, but even if you’re just interested in grabbing one representative from this line, Boba will not disappoint.