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Magneto Was Right
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Anyone else playing the excellent Baldur's Gate 3? I know the combat isn't for everyone, but the writing and performances are the best I've seen since the Mass Effect series.

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I am. I love it. It's a D&D campaign not a twitch and click game is all. Played all the older ones too; Icewind Dale, etc.

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Game of the year for me right now. Just started the third act.

Сombat is great. Never gets old when I throw enemies into the abyss with some ability. 

Now I just want to buy some Mythic Legions figures...

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I love it!
I kind of wish there was a MMORPG component.

Magneto Was Right
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It's pretty easily my game of the year, as well. It's been arguably the strongest year ever for video games, but it's in a class of its own for me. I don't see any games surpassing it even though we've got Spider-Man 2, Cities: Skylines II, Armored Core VI, and Starfield coming.

My friends and I started and restarted Divinity: Original Sin 2 about 10 times and never made much progress. The story and combat in BG3 are much more engaging than they were in DOS2. We put about 40 hours into our co-op BG3 playthrough already. I've also got my own single-player campaign running, and I have one more duo run planned with another friend. I'm not someone who replays games, either. I can count on one hand the number of games I've replayed. BG3 is truly special.

Despite being nerds, we only discovered D&D a few years ago and have only organized a couple of campaigns due to campaign complexity and scheduling difficulties. As a novice D&D player, it's taken serious commitment to wrap my brain around the combat possibilities and class/multiclass advantages. I've watched hours of YouTube videos, read a ton of Wiki pages, and slogged through some in-game trial and error.

I started as a Cleric, swapped to a Cleric/Bard, then a melee-focused Bard/Warlock, and now I've finally settled on a spellcasting Bard/Warlock. As someone who loves to talk my way out of combat, it's wonderful. Complete throwback to Fallout 3/New Vegas.

The combat/character planning requires the perfect amount of brain space, too. I'm challenged but not overwhelmed. Now that I have a grip on what I'm doing, I can experiment further on my solo/duo playthroughs. I'm running a Paladin on my solo and planning to go Monk on my duo. What is everyone else using?

Magneto Was Right
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CAPTCHA has a pretty poor record of actually stopping bots/spammers. Looks like another one slipped through.

Perpetually Confused
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Looking forward to Baldur's Gate 3 but I'll be playing on PS5 so I've gotta wait a little longer. And to be honest, I think my wife will be so wrapped up in it that I won't get to play too much. That means I might just be playing Starfield on the Series S for a while. 

Decided to replay Spider-Man ahead of the sequel's release, although I upgraded to the remaster so it's not quite the same. Also came with the DLC, which I had skipped the first time. Just got the platinum trophy for the base game. Still have one more DLC chapter to go through. Really looking forward to the new one. 

emirate xaaron
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After finally finishing The Last of Us Part 1 I've now started part 2, enjoying it so far, it's crazy to think it is a ps4 game

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I played No Man's Sky for about 10 hours. I respect the hell out of what they did to turn that game around and that 10 hours was reasonably fun. Or... about 8 of it was. But the game just immediately starts getting very samey and getting to a point where you can do anything interesting was too boring to keep me engaged. I just ..couldn't care anymore.

So I replayed the old 360 Conan game and now I'm replaying GTA5 while I waffle back and forth about what game I want to start getting into. I think I'm going to keep on GTA5 until Starfield drops next week and then start playing that. But it's Bethesda so I might just keep playing GTA5 until I beat the game again and give Bethesda time to do their first twenty seven patches and updates to fix the broken game they're about to release.

Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @theknightdamien

I played No Man's Sky for about 10 hours. I respect the hell out of what they did to turn that game around and that 10 hours was reasonably fun. Or... about 8 of it was. But the game just immediately starts getting very samey and getting to a point where you can do anything interesting was too boring to keep me engaged. I just ..couldn't care anymore.

So I replayed the old 360 Conan game and now I'm replaying GTA5 while I waffle back and forth about what game I want to start getting into. I think I'm going to keep on GTA5 until Starfield drops next week and then start playing that. But it's Bethesda so I might just keep playing GTA5 until I beat the game again and give Bethesda time to do their first twenty seven patches and updates to fix the broken game they're about to release.

Let's be real, they'll never fix it.

I played the Skyrim anniversary edition last year and my game crashed regularly.


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MS Flight Simulator was on the menu this afternoon. I bought a new GPU this week so I'm giving it a run to see how it performs.

I have a 5 year old i5 CPU and upgraded the GPU from an RTX 2070 to a 4070. So far I'm using about half the GPU because the poor old CPU can't keep up 🤣 

With all graphic settings the same I've doubled the frame rate to near 120 FPS in scenic areas, and easily get over 60 FPS in dense cities. This is mostly thanks to DLSS 3 frame generation - it looks so smooth now.

Busy airports remain an issue though. Stutters galore, but these are a CPU problem. The root cause is poor code running in the background, but the developer recognises this and is releasing a whole new version of the game in a few months and starting fresh.

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Posted by: @tsi

Let's be real, they'll never fix it.

I played the Skyrim anniversary edition last year and my game crashed regularly.


🤣  Yeah, you're not wrong there. But like.. I'm guessing a few weeks or months after release it will at least be -less broken- than on release day.


JOEL aka JoMiHa
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I'm so far behind on games. I've been spending too many hours with Red Dead 2. Bought it day one, and never got around to playing it until about a month ago. I've been obsessed with it since. Funny how that works.

Otherwise, I've been playing Madden and looking forward to Tekken 8 and MK1, because I'm a mark.

Would love to see an Injustice 3 someday. 

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@akajomiha In my opinion, RDR2 is one of the best video games ever made. I genuinely LOVE that game. It's so well made and engrossing. I've beaten it twice and it's on my list to play again at some point in the next year or two.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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@theknightdamien I totally get that! I'm loving all the connections to RDR1 too. I just know I'm going to end up replaying RDR1 after I finish RDR2.

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