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Video Game Figma Discussion

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It looks incredible, but somehow I'm missing the Soldier's Sword. Wish they had included it. Even so, never expected the Paraglider, that's incredible! The cloth cape, the Traveler's shield, the cool rocket, even the Ascend effect, that's all a ton of stuff and it all looks amazing. Really happy with this. Hopefully it isn't too expensive.

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lmao $115 is ridiculous, and this is coming from someone with a ton of expensive imports and more to come. 

I love BotW (very mid on ToTK) but never loved this design. So even if it's a beautiful looking figure, at that price, they made my decision to pass a very easy one. Happy for those who wanted it. 

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Available now for preorder at all your favorite spots. 

¥16,800 is the standard Japanese price, about $112. Pretty good for everything it comes with. On Amiami the standard is ¥8,510 or about $57.  

Listed for Feb 2025 in Japan. Same month as Bring Arts Cait Sith, so that’ll be an expensive month for me… (assuming everything stays on schedule, which is almost definitely won’t)

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$60 to $115 for a handful of accessories (albeit neat ones) doesn’t seem like a good deal to me. It does not seem like $55 worth of accessories. 

Magneto Was Right
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I got it from Goodsmile US for about $130 after tax and shipping. That's probably about the same as you'll pay at AmiAmi or HLJ.

I agree that the price is a little insane, but Figma's been going that way for a while. I doubt I'll use even half of the accessories, but I'd rather have them and not need them than want them and not have them. Plus, if I ever resell it for a better Link down the line (almost inevitable), I'd rather have the deluxe version to resell.

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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At this point I’m used to imports being $80-$100 for standard releases. Getting a popular figure like this with so much stuff for just a bit over $100 felt like a win to me. 

Now if Goodsmile could go ahead and put in-stock items back on their Japanese site, that’d be great. I’d been wanting to pick up Raidou Kuzunoha for a while and just when I finally decided to pull the trigger, I discovered that they’d overhauled their site two days prior and stopped in-stock orders for now. This was at the end of Feb. 

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In 2017, this Link:


With these extras:


Was 6000 Yen. Adjusted for inflation, that's 6570 Yen today. 

In 2024, this Link:


With these extras:8-A3877-C6-70-CA-4440-9-CDC-763761-AEDDD8

Is worth 16500. Even adjusted for inflation, that's over 10000 Yen in difference.


Are those accessories really worth that much more than the Twilight Princess accessories? 


I'm usually an apologist when it comes to pricy figures. My wife and I are happy DINKs with good jobs. Hell, I collect Hot Toys. So, this isn't coming from a place of "I can't afford this so I'm going to say it's bad to make myself feel better." I just think that this is way beyond reasonable given what they've done in the past.

Perpetually Confused
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I'm perfectly fine without all those accessories. Not worth the extra cost at all, considering I'll be displaying him with the sword and shield. 

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Finally pulled the trigger on Sam here. He can stand surprisingly well on his own with his giant backpack on. My first figure carrying around a developing fetus!

Boy Wonder
Attempting To Avoid The Void
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Goodsmile showed off a rerelease of Snake with an improved head 

Damn it. They’re really gonna get me to buy him again, aren’t they? And todays the day I learned you can rotate those pouches on his chest.

Although I’m more excited that they’re still working with Konami and maybe we’ll finally get Simon Belmont.

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Posts: 169

They showed off a ton of stuff today!

Witcher 3 Geralt

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Tears of the Kingdom Zelda

May be an image of text

Tears of the Kingdom ganondorf

May be an image of toy and text

Nier Automata 2B

May be an image of toy and text


They also showed off Delicious in Dungeon figures, Laios and Marcille.

Misplaced Projectile
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 40

It is amazing that they’re rereleasing Snake!!!

I have been considering paying ludicrous amounts of money for that figure for years. Thank goodness I was patient/broke!

Magneto Was Right
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They're also doing a Diablo IV Lilith and Apex Legends figures.

I'm in for Geralt at least. I bought and sold that Snake figure like a decade ago. I might go in for Snake, too.

Amazing Spider-Man
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In for the TotK stuff. 

Perpetually Confused
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 365

Already have Link preordered, so I'm definitely in for Ganondorf and Zelda.

Geralt is a maybe. Already have the McFarlane figure and it's decent, but of course the line was canceled quickly. I just want yennefer and triss 😭 

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