Decided to finally get down all my Gen 1’s from the shelf or out of storage for a big group photo for Pokémon Day. Only a few rage filled moments trying to get stuff off the shelf without knocking everything else over.
amazing! your collection photos are always topnotch. any Pokémon in Smash Bros and completing Gen I (and for me, possibly up until Gen IV) is all I really care about when it comes to Pokémon. the newer ones are kinda meh. hope we get a Beedrill and Ekans soon since no good figures even exist lol
With them already having most of the base sculpting via the regular version of typhlosion, it's just inevitable that they'll eventually do the Hisuian version too... right? All they'd really have to change is the head, neck, flames, and tail.
I don't think re-use is a factor with this line. I can't recall anything re-using the same mold for a new character. Everything is new. They have done pearly repaints on some of their non-select figures.
As far as the select line is concerned. We have Entei, Flygon, Toxicitry and Zeraora on the way. There were some leaked images of Zeraora today.
Anxiously awaiting Entei. Hopefully it's announced/goes up for preorder soon.
Found Poliwag with Pokeball at Target today, which isn’t all that exciting. It’s the same one from the environment set with Squirtle.
But what is a little exciting is the fold out inside that has pictures of Primeape and Butterfree that I personally haven’t seen anywhere before.
Oh man... I'm not a Pokemon guy even a little bit but I definitely... definitely want that Butterfree. I hope it's not impossible to find
I like that Butterfree is a universally adored figure because of the anime.
Snagged Butterfree and Primeape from Kohl’s today of all places. Saw someone on IG find em there and four stores later, found em!
Wish this line wasn’t so damn inconsistent with when and where it shows up. Pokémon’s the biggest media franchise ever, stuff should be easier to get through Walmart, Target, GameStop, and Amazon.
Grabbed Frogadier from eBay the other day for a little over retail since I never saw that wave at all. I know he’s not Gen 1, but I liked this Greninja model kit so much, I wanted his whole evolutionary line.
@boy_wonder Did you take down your Instagram? I loved looking at your collection photos
Nah, still up and running!
Grabbed Poliwhirl from GameStop today.
Item number is 404675.