Thanks. I picked him up at GameStop myself. I'm wondering if the "psychic blast" effect will fit with the Pokemon select Mewtwo.
Braved rainy Festivus traffic in a busy shopping center full of morons from the suburbs who can’t drive for him, but snagged Slowpoke at GameStop today. I’d seen some other figures from the wave at another store so I popped into a few today and fortunately struck gold at one. Plus had my monthly $5 coupon so he was $3 and change.
He’s neat! Sculpt and paint are nice and he has some pretty decent articulation. He’s articulated at each hip and at his tail so he can hit that lazy “sploot” pose.
Thank you for posting that. I stopped by my local Gamestop and picked up what I wanted from this wave, including Slowpoke. The 12" (name of line and not necessarily size) Metagross is supposedely out now, or coming soon. I wasn't able to spot that one yet.
I'm not familiar with the Scale World line of figures, so can someone explain to me why the Nemona set is nearly twice the price of this other set?
Pokemon Scale World Paldea Region Nemona, Skeledirge, & Pawmot Figure Set (
Pokemon Scale World Paldea Region Set of 9 Figures (
Nemona is incredibly popular and Skeledirge is the most popular Paldean starter.
I'm not familiar with the Scale World line of figures, so can someone explain to me why the Nemona set is nearly twice the price of this other set?
Pokemon Scale World Paldea Region Nemona, Skeledirge, & Pawmot Figure Set (
Pokemon Scale World Paldea Region Set of 9 Figures (
The region sets are mass released everywhere (online stores, convenience and grocery stores etc.) in Japan, whereas the other sets are released exclusively by Bandai premium and carry a higher price tag as a result. I've only started collecting these last month, but I'm really enjoying them, particularly having trainers included with the Pokémon.
So I guess Jazwares hasn't made a Snorlax yet? I get that he wouldn't be the most articulated figure, but I'd still like one.
Jazwares bought out Wicked Cool Toys (WCT),who had the Pokemon License, and WCT did make a Snorlax early on in the line. It wasn't very good. I think the WCT team mostly still make the figures (except for maybe the Select line). So unfortunately a redo of Snorlax feels like a longshot.
Jazwares did redo Mewtwo and Charizard in the Select line, so it is possible though. I hope they do.
Tomy has made the best articulated Snorlax, though he is short. The best Snorlax for display, in my opinion, was a plastic Piggybank made by Chinese sellers that used to be all over Ebay.
@nanigans Ok, I could understand them costing a bit more because of popularity, but enough to justify a set of 3 figures costing almost twice as much as a set of 9? That's just... absurd to me, lol.
@nanigans Ok, I could understand them costing a bit more because of popularity, but enough to justify a set of 3 figures costing almost twice as much as a set of 9? That's just... absurd to me, lol.
BBTS is known for surge pricing based on demand. They also typically charge more for imports than other places.
Don’t get me wrong; I still like BBTS for domestic figures, but they’re usually a last resort for imports.
Looks Like a Flygon Select figure will be made:
Looks Like a Flygon Select figure will be made:
yeah, along with Toxtricity. plus we're gonna get Entei and Garchomp soon w/ the official product images out for both.
honestly, this lineup has been great so far. really happy with their commitment and consistency with the 1/12 figures (minus Greninja and Lucario).
I’ve been out looking at Walmart for Porygon and Frogadier and yesterday I found something I didn’t even know existed: a metallic version of Porygon. Same figure as his Battle Figure, just with that layer of sparkly paint that Jazwares loves SOOO much. Expect this time it actually kind of works since Porygon is supposed to be a computer program, right?
So I grabbed him to replace my Jakks Porygon, who still looks pretty dang good for something that’s from 2006, which is dangerously close to 20 years ago.
I’ve been out looking at Walmart for Porygon and Frogadier and yesterday I found something I didn’t even know existed: a metallic version of Porygon. Same figure as his Battle Figure, just with that layer of sparkly paint that Jazwares loves SOOO much. Expect this time it actually kind of works since Porygon is supposed to be a computer program, right?
So I grabbed him to replace my Jakks Porygon, who still looks pretty dang good for something that’s from 2006, which is dangerously close to 20 years ago.
Wow, that looks great!
Decided to finally get down all my Gen 1’s from the shelf or out of storage for a big group photo for Pokémon Day. Only a few rage filled moments trying to get stuff off the shelf without knocking everything else over.